Wednesday, December 31, 2008
A blog about Moe
Not really.
But I did fix the problem and I could go for a taco right now.
So... moe, moe, moe. What is moe?
Moe is a character in The Simpsons. That's what Moe is. That's really all I think about when I think about Moe. Grey hair. *laughs at certain person with a grey hair*. Don't you kinda feel sorry for Moe sometimes? He tries so hard... fails so often...
Anywho, other meanings of Moe. Well, I fondly refer to a "moustache" as a "moe". Which reminds me of this one time I was drinking a Mocha Chill. I was staring up at this giant Mocha Chill sign (I was in a canteen) and it occured to me.... Chill... chillax! So then my friend and I grabbed permanent markers and wrote all over the cartons. No longer was I drinking "Mocha Chill" but a "Mochacha Chillax!" Then I organised my friends chocolates in alphabetical order by flavour, including the wrappers of the ones we'd already eaten. Anywho, so then we were writing random things and drawing random things (like a muffin train with a skillet hat) and I was mixing up the words of "Mocha Chillax" and was saying random things like "Chacha with a moe!" so I drew 3 little men wearing various dresses (one also had a top hat) doing the chacha and then I gave them all different moustaches.
Yay for random Google searches. A "moe (slang)" according to Wikipedia is "a Japanese slang word originally referring to fetish or love for characters in video games or anime and manga." But just like every other great Wikipedia article, it need "additional citations for verification." According to Uncyclopedia, which is just as reliable as Wikipedia, if not moreso, says "Moë" is a "slang word referring to non-sexual feelings of love and caring evoked by certain metal musicians."
People should Google search things more often. Like these guys I know who are saying "I will quand you" and so I searched for it, and "quand" means "when" in French.
moe. is also a band name. I love random band names, although some things get out of hand when you have to tell people about this song called "Do It Again! You're Not Making Me Want To Touch You! by You, Me and Everyone We Know" or one of those really long titles from Fall Out Boy. Soon enough songs like "This Awesomely Awesome Song Is So Fantabulous You Just Want To Dance To It Even Though We're An Emo Band Who Aren't Really Emo Because That's What We Tell You And You Will Think Exactly What We Tell You To Because We Like To Wear Top Hats At 10am On Sunday Mornings On The Fourty-fourth Week Of The Year Whilst Eating A Tofu Burger And Riding A Llama That Likes To Knit Long Wooly Socks" will be appearing on the charts! And don't deny it, you know you'd love to hear a song that has that as a title.
Hmm... After reading through a vast number of pages of Google searches (oh yes, I just love researching my blog material :P) I found the Anime News Network, which states that "To be moe, a character can be eager or perky, not overly independent, and call forth a desire in the viewer to protect them and nurture them. The term is also used to describe any preciously cute item." I can see it now, boyfriends calling their girlfriends "moe". "Does my butt look big in this?" "Awww you're so moe."
Who knew one liiiitle typo would result in a blog such as this, full of adventure, colour, random ramblings and irrelevant facts! And tacos. Lots and lots of tacos.
Anywho, what else does moe mean? Well I guess the closest thing I can think of is "mo", as in "moment". Like, "Hang on for just a mo." So I suggest you stop reading this and go and live the mo... moment. Mo just doesn't work in a serious way here. But really, this is the last day of the year! In less than 12 hours (I failed the maths exam, don't expect me to count much more!) this year is GONE. Never to be returned to... Until I find a time machine. But still, go forth young stallion and have a wonderful last day of 2008.
And yes, I just called you an adult male horse that has not been castrated. xD
It seemed fitting....
Anywho, enjoy the last moments of this year, and have a wonderful new year!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Normally Weird Conversations :)
ShmooFace says:
dude whats with tha wilted rose?
Smartical Don't worry I trust u... just I don't trust u at all says:
its been in my msn name for about 2 years now.... ur a bit slow on asking that question
ShmooFace says:
i guess i am a big, big idiot! im sorry, my love, will you ever forgive me????
Smartical Don't worry I trust u... just I don't trust u at all says:
uhy.... as long as u take back that sentence about calling me ur love then sure
ShmooFace says:
sorry honey-bunny
ShmooFace says:
but i love u sooooooo much i just cant keep it bottled up anymore
Smartical Don't worry I trust u... just I don't trust u at all says:
well.... too bad im madly in love with my GIRL-friend
Smartical Don't worry I trust u... just I don't trust u at all says:
cause i like girls with girl bits
ShmooFace says:
uh-huh but you'd dump her for me right......
Smartical Don't worry I trust u... just I don't trust u at all says:
hell no
ShmooFace says:
as for the girl bits.....that can be arranged
Smartical Don't worry I trust u... just I don't trust u at all says:
sure ur chest is larger but her face is cuter
ShmooFace says:
tell me then, what is the point in living if I cannot have u?
Smartical Don't worry I trust u... just I don't trust u at all says:
to make TD's and play WoW?
ShmooFace says:
oh well, love can be forceful --- rather than mutual
Smartical Don't worry I trust u... just I don't trust u at all says:
not legally it cant
Smartical Don't worry I trust u... just I don't trust u at all says:
thats called stalking or, if ur really forceful: sexual harrassment
ShmooFace says:
i will not the law get in the way of my love !!!!!
Smartical Don't worry I trust u... just I don't trust u at all says:
wil u let a double barreled shotgun aimed at ur face get in the way? pls say it will...
ShmooFace says:
puh guns cant kill my love for u
Smartical Don't worry I trust u... just I don't trust u at all says:
yeah but they can probably kill U
Smartical Don't worry I trust u... just I don't trust u at all says:
to answer ur question the wilted rose is nice. and i want a wilting rose (only slightly different to the emoticon) on my tombstone
Smartical Don't worry I trust u... just I don't trust u at all says:
its been in my mind for aobut 3 years now so im not likely to change my mind before my death
ShmooFace says:
on your tombstone, which will be romantically situated next to mine so that, even in death, we will be together.
Smartical Don't worry I trust u... just I don't trust u at all says:
yeah no... ok pls stop talking
Smartical Don't worry I trust u... just I don't trust u at all says:
be warned: i might copy and past this converation if it gets too creepy
ShmooFace says:
no one will be surprised
Smartical Don't worry I trust u... just I don't trust u at all says:
yeah but itll be funny
ShmooFace says:
meh they have come to expect it of us now
ShmooFace says:
and they know that u and me will inevitably get together anyway...they will just assume u have cold feet
Smartical Don't worry I trust u... just I don't trust u at all says:
..right... no....
ShmooFace says:
u say that now, but one day the words u will utter will be "I Do"
ShmooFace says:
obviously to me of course
Smartical Don't worry I trust u... just I don't trust u at all says:
only not to u or any other man
ShmooFace says:
and thn we will honeymoon in the bahamas ---- excellent
ShmooFace says:
i can picture it now a small villa just u and me on the beach sipping pina'colada's while....nah, better keep this conversation 'G' rated
Smartical Don't worry I trust u... just I don't trust u at all says:
ShmooFace says:
Smartical Don't worry I trust u... just I don't trust u at all says:
it stopped being G rated after the first 3 sentences...
Smartical Don't worry I trust u... just I don't trust u at all says:
send me the TD
ShmooFace says:
k my love
Smartical Don't worry I trust u... just I don't trust u at all says:
y do u hurt me with such a disturbing display of affection!?
ShmooFace says:
because I LOVE U
Smartical Don't worry I trust u... just I don't trust u at all says:
Smartical Don't worry I trust u... just I don't trust u at all says:
*runs away screaming*
ShmooFace says:
ill just run after you
Smartical Don't worry I trust u... just I don't trust u at all says:
the hell u will ur too fat
ShmooFace says:
yer but thats how u like it......
ShmooFace has now been blocked.
Life is never dull :)
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Goodbye to the very odd year :)
...Waking up to realise the exact same thing you have known for the past half a year....
Having a literal conversation about a euphemism for no adequate reason only to prove it wrong.
Putting things in the microwave because it's convenient storage.
Making things worse just to prove you can make them worse.
Becoming nocturnal for the sake of talking to someone in another country you'll never meet.
Skipping during phys ed laughing all the way.
Getting strange looks in public and not caring.
Combining two things in the pantry to see if it will taste good (but it rarely ever does)
Learning how stupid it feels talking to yourself on camera in your room.
Refusing to go into a shop because you don't want to stand around in there not doing anything having people staring at you so you end up standing around at the entrance not doing anything and having even more people staring at you.
Being asked what "character" you're dressed as when you go to school in normal attire.
Laughing at books about old computers from the early 90's when ironically your friend's do the same to your computer from the early 00's.
Getting into sleeping habits that bypass the morning.
Being so used to staying up past midnight you look down at the clock and go "Oh... it was Christmas half an hour ago.... cool."
Knowing that if you're bored you can always call up any of your wonderful friends and watch the phone bill go up :)
Knowing that this year was full of so much wonderful things that it's hard to beat. But you bet next year is going to be even better! :) Woo! 2009 people!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
cornflake's first blog - attempt six
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
on the subject of truth, assassinations and false prophets.
Monday, December 15, 2008
snake bite
he lied. he had the needle just touching my lip, and he was like, breathe in, it helps, and of course with all his "its not that bad", i just expected a little prick. wrong. the needle was litterally rammed through my lip, and i was "shiiiiiit man!" but i couldnt talk much cause i had a bit of metal in my mouth. then he said open wide, and i thought he was going to take the needle out. so he gets ANOTHER needle and rams it into the first one. "ow ow ow jesus christ". but now i had two bits of metal in my mouth, so it was even less co-herent than the time before.
anyway, then it came time for the other side. he warned me that the second side hurts a lot more than the other side, but by this time, my mentallity was saying "when the other side gets pierced, then the side thats fucking canning like a bitch will stop hurting, cause pain will be drawn to the other side. i was right.
so he gets it all set up, he said take a deep breathe, but i was just like, hurry up and stab me. so here we go three two one OH MY FUCKING GOD THAT REALLY FUCKING HURTS!!! my eyes probably looked like they were trying to leap out of my skull, so christine held my hand and she was like, squeeze me harder than i'm squeezing you, so i did, but i must have squeezed really hard cause after one second she was like, oww let go that hurts. and christines pretty strong, to. she can carry me on her back, for christs sake. anyway, then the other needle had to go into the other side. so i grabbed cornflakes hand. and i think i just about fucking broke her fingers when the needle went in. if your reading this, sorry babe.
as we were leaving, i was feeling really hungry, so we decided to get some food. but my lip was still really hurting, i mean like on fire burning my skin off hurting. so we went to target to get some panadol. i was all for swallowing the packet whole, but the others didnt think that was such a good idea. anyway i took two, and they hadnt kicked in after 15 minutes, so i was being very agitated and difficult. sorry guys, didnt mean to offend you if i did. well we went to macca's. and i tried to eat a burger. it was decidedly more difficult than i thought it would be. i kept feeling like the backs of my piercings were going to catch in my teeth, and they'd be ripped out. wich is a rather unpleasant feeling. and to start off with i couldnt even fit the burger in my mouth, cause it felt wierd to be opening my mouth so wide with two pieces of metal sticking through them. i still cant really smile or laugh properly. hopefully my kissing wont be affected by this :p
well i caught up with jethro, jacob and bilby later that day, and we did some filming for one of bilby's movies. i got to be a killer! it was cool. i stabbed cornflake in the chest with a knife. if any one of my friends ever becomes a director, i am going to cameo in every movie they make either as the killer/villain, or as a continuous side character who is completely unimportant to the story, but sais the most random lines, and hopefully has the goriest death. i would like that a lot.
has anybody seen donnie darko??? i watched it last night, and it was one of the weirdest, trippiest films iv ever seen. it was completely awsome! i wasnt really expecting much, cause the only thing i knew about it when i rented it out was that it was really good, and it had jake and maggie gyllenhall playing a brother and sister. man, just watching all the trippy, dis-jointed stuff kinda made me feel less in touch with reality. but good god was it bloody brilliant.
then i got to thinking: if anything like this happened to me, would i react in the same way??? would i do what everyone else does??? i honestly dont know. i'd probably think i somehow got stuck in a movie or something. i dunno. if i had uber cool powers, i'd probably try and take over the world. that would be fun. although i have to admit, i probably would have done what donnie did in most situations, particullarly at the end of the movie. dont get me wrong though, im not a paranoid schizzophrenic, just increadibly paranoid. the movie had a wicked sound track as well.
well im off to research the summoning of demons for a little project me and some friends are planning. till next time, cheerio.
Sunday, December 14, 2008

Monday, December 8, 2008
THOSE sort of awkward conversations
OK! When reading books or watching a movie and a teenager is all of a sudden confronted by a conversation they can't avoid and didn't know was coming it is sometimes very amusing to me... especially those sorts of talks that happen around the teenage years when your parents notice that you are getting affectionate towards someone else... yes... hilarious! Insant comedy gold every time I see those sorts of things somewhere because I'm incredibly sadistic and love the awkwardness that those poor poor people experience... in fact, I was just reading Eclipse today and Charlie decides to discuss with Bella how serious she is with Edward.... hahahaha!
That's so funny!
... up until the point that it happens to you... yeah... yeah I asked my mother if a very special person could maybe come over during new years eve and this of course involves being with her for an entire night. This in my mother's books is VERY BAD AND WRONG! So very wrong... OK first comes the strange shocking realisation that... I'm only 16! (Really mum!? I didn't know...) So therefore I apparently don't have a brain.
But she says "don't worry I trust you.."
OK now this brainless teenager shouldn't be around other brainless teenagers of the opposite gender unnatended because this will obviously ultimately lead to all sorts of things.... yeah because absolutely no thought or planning or precautions are put into this sort of thing? Yes, I know you're going to be alone and all and (the classic line): "I trust you.... BUT you're probably not going to be thinking of the consequences when the time comes" of course not mum... the last thing I'd be thinking about when I'm finally doing that is your angry face... that kinda ruins the mood if I'm thinking about you beating me across the head... Oh yeah plus your upbringing of me by pouring all those gentlemanly ideas into my head obviously means nothing.... Parents. They think they've done a good a job up until the point that you're 16.... then they don't believe a single thing they've ever said has sunk in and that you're probably going to go do something innapropriate (Hey at my age it's not illegal... so you can't have that issue with it) but don't worry... "I trust you"
Hey how about this deal? I don't disobey you... and you never ever EVER have one of these talks with me EVER again? I'd like that idea...
The idea (that my mother seems to have) is to say "I trust you" as much as she can... then everything else she says basically means "I just don't trust you at all..." OK so just imagine me standing there trying to get around this subject as much as possible and I'm writhing in pain inside because my mother doesn't just make these things uncomfortable because they're naturally uncomfortable... but she somehow tries to make them worse.... OK a prime example is this particular talk involved her mentioning that because I'm 16 that I don't have self control (hell, if I'm not storming out as soon as you bring this topic up just so not to upset you even though I really really want to be anywhere but there listening to you then.... I think I have some self control) and then comes the line...
"I was 16 once too you know I know what it's like..."
AAAGGHHHH!!! AGH! AGH! AGH! AAAAAAGGHHHH!!!! *brain melts* I refuse to think that my mother was ever my age and ever would know what.... the sort of stuff she's trying to make me keep in check is like.... agh! agh! no! my mother has always been over 40! All the photos of her being younger are all photoshopped! My mother was never 16... no... no... no too bad mum that doesn't count as an excuse because you didn't exist until I was 5... because I have no memory of you earlier than that.
This wasn't the worst conversation.... one was about "chilvary" and "not taking advantage" and has the worst possible line a mother could ever tell her son...
"treat her like your sister"
Hey thanks mum! Hahaha yeah OK treat her like my sister.... sorry, are you trying to ruin every relationship I have? I don't want to treat anyone like my sister! AGH! If I treated her remotely like my sister we'd never hug... worst thing you could possibly have just before a date is that line.... my mother apparently doesn't like affection... at all... it's bad and evil. So are grandchildren... which she doesn't want ever even when I'm older... nope. All forms of affection or anything are banned and must be repressed with disturbing mental images....
But don't worry... I'm being cautious and all but it's only because...
"I trust you"
Like hell you do! Parents never trust their children and sometimes they bloody well have reasons behind that! Sometimes they don't! This is one of those times when they don't... I just wish they'd be so naieve like they are about other things ("No don't worry mum A Clockwork Orange has nothing violent or obscene in it.... can I watch it?" "Yeah ok") and that they didn't insist of having one of those kinds of conversations... and if so... just have it once. I heard you the first time! I'm trying to talk over you because I don't like hearing the same thing twice!
Have a nice day :) Because mine was ruined by my brain melting....
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Ah stuff it. I'll put on my cowboy hat and chaps, grab a lasso and, HOWDY! *throws lasso at inanimate object and ends up lassoing self*
Not new to blogging, but new to this little community here! You have now been invaded by SAM-HAM! *raises fist to air, as superhero cape flies dramatically behind her*. Everybody put your helmets on and duck for cover! Or if all else fails, just grab a duck! No ducks around? Well then... you're screwed. *puts on American accent* Nice to meet y'all. *quits the American accent and slaps self in face*.
Speaking of accents... That is one area in drama where I suffer. I can do some. By some, I mean British. When trying to be Samuel Beckett (man of genius!) who lived in France, born in Ireland, I had a British accent! And even worse, well you know how you listen to people with accents to know how to speak like they do? Well when we did a play at the start of the year, we had to be Italian... Guess where I got my Italian accent from...
Red Bull adverts.
I kid you not. That lady leaning out of the car to yell at her son as he flies away? Yeah, that's where I got my accent. I've remained top of my drama class though!
You know what I hate? When you love a song and you dance around to it (what?! Who said anything about dancing in your underwear? Of course I don't do that! *shifty eyes*) then you listen to the lyrics and you cry. Or you realise it's in another language and could indeed be a threat to all of humanity, just set to a funky beat. I do that all the time with a song by Cute Is What We Aim For. I sing along, then once again realise that it's an underage girl getting drunk and sleeping with a guy who then abandons her.
Did I say I have a superhero cape? Oh well there you go, I must feel comfortable here already seeing as I already lied to you all! Actually I made my friend a superhero cape for her 16th this year. It was made out of bright striped material, and because I blew up the sewing machine (oops!) I had to hand sew EVERY SINGLE stitch. Now this was like a life size cape! I even hand sewed the seams!! Spose that's better than hand sowing seams...
I'm going to make one for myself eventually though. It'll go perfectly with my sombreros and knee high socks.
So, why am I here? I was held against my will to a bed made of marshmallow and threatened to join, or else face an enternity of eating carrot soup with an invisible fork. Well, in reality I was talking to Bilby about New Years Resolutions. I don't think Resolutions has a capital letter but OH WELL. So yes I said one of mine was to start a new blog in a new place. He then coerced me, in a gentle and unthreatning way, to join here. It feels a little odd, as I wasn't going to start until New Years, seeing as the blog was about my new life! (Just got out of a horrible relationship. I know, I know, no personal issues to be discussed - but it is relevant!) But oh well! Better now than never! Or... better now than in 24 days!
Tally-ho, it's off to bed I go!
Actually, I lie again. And I don't mean lie in bed! Heh. Anywho, I must first finish writing other various emails and things, and then... other things. Then sleep!
Have a nice day!
(EDIT: Oh dear goodness. I just realised that how I finished my blog entry is rather VERY similar to how a certain someone else (yes YOU there) finished theirs. We are much too alike sometimes. But... but that's how I often finish my other blog entries in the other place I blog! Erg.)
What that has to do with anything I have no idea! This post isn't about imitating drawings... in fact it's about imitating life. In my old drama class (which I guess I am no longer part of... holidays and all and when their over it's going to be a new drama class) one thing the teacher (who is AWESOME!) said was to watch people and pick up their movements and mannerisms so you can later mimick them. I was very disapointed that we never got to do an exercise where we imitated our classmates because I would've been quite good at that I say... some of the people in the class are quite distinct (especially cornflake. You're wonderfully unique :)) and it would've been lots and lots of fun mocking- I mean, mimicking their unique hand gestures and movements. (The face! The horse he makes that face! You know...)
So oh well, I never got to mimick those people around me... so today... I'm going to see how good I am at mimicking through writing...
That's right :D I'm going to mimick fellow bloggers! (poorly) See if you can guess which ones they are! (Btw, not all of these are part of ramblingsofcornflakes and outside bloggers that I know of might actually be included) OK: (Keep in mind that these are mainly done from memory and I really should've spent more time paying more attention to the specific words these people use... oh well enjoy my attempt at mimicking people!)
Well that was a mean joke I'm sorry... that's such an easy one to get though... (We still care about you silent one!)
2) ok today i drank so much v it was awesome. i think i'm addicted to v. i hurt people who take it away from me. y is it that it never makes me hyper though? i really would like lots of energy when i destroy the world.
once again i am broke. i have completely run out of money because certain people keep on asking me stuff and i'm too kind to give in and buy so much stuff for everyone else. i swear my manager needs to start paying me more if i'm ever going to move out of home. i would love to have a house to myself just cover that walls in linkin park posters and metallica and in the basement i could have a carpet with a pentagram on it. or even better i could paint it into the floor! probably summon some demons... i would really like to ability to shoot fire from my hands. then i could burn cities to the ground and no one could stop me.
3) OK, this is an absolutely boring blog and sometimes I wonder why I even bother to contribute to my own blog. I've been tempted into doing this by C, who has decided that this is his codename recently somewhere in the first our of a very long conversation concerning God, life, death, human communication, mannerism, psychology and how he talks to his bunny rabbit. So many people want to know their code names and I haven't even thought of any but I'm pretty sure it'll just be a number or letter because I really don't care too much. No I'm sorry I should care about the single letter I refer to you as on the off chance I shall blog about you. Sorry people that I know... Please don't hurt me? I don't actually know what you people think or feel so I'm just going to continue talking about.... something....
This blog doesn't actually have anything in it. I normally do blog about something but today doesn't seem to have much to say. OK I'm going to break the 4th wall here and seriously mess with people's minds. I think it's going to be very weird when I read this blog. The me me not the imitation me. Imitation me doesn't actually think this is weird but real me will be reading this thinking that it's weird and now I'm probably going to be agreeing with what I'm saying here only if I don't then I'm not good at imitating myself which is beyond weird when you try to think about it. Now that didn't make much sense. Do I make sense? Well there have been a lot more embarrassing moments in my life which we're not going to mention. I've told you all far too much about me and I'm going to not tell you anymore.
4) Grr. another boring class that i'm stuck in so i can't type mcuh. i feel like hurting someone right now, the teacher is just soooo boring! he is meen too and never gives me extensins on my work!!
talk to you later
5) OK sorry darlings for not blogging recently I've just been busy with work. But it's the holidays now so woohoo! No more maths (I'm not too good at it) which is going to be awesome! Holidays ftw! What shall I blog about? I don't know :( My blogs are pointless.
Twilight is coming out soon! It's so awesome I love Edward Cullen!!! He is so hot I adore him! :) I really want an Edward to myself :P I'm going to see the movie as soon as I can. I sure hope the movie lives up to the book.
Sorry people but I've run out of things to say! :( oh well.
any who. Leave comments and thanks for reading this kay :)
much love
OK! Well I sure hope none of those people are offended by me mimicking them... I really couldn't think of much to say so these are quite short and do not reflect the normal length of their posts. OK seriously please tell me the people that are being parodied can at least realise who they are? I'm not sure how well I did so please tell me that you know who these people are! Most of these people are from this blog but some are from others... but others that visit this one quite frequently and come on... I'm pretty sure some of you who are part of this blog might know who the others are. Btw the opinions and beliefs expressed in the imitation blogs are not my own and are based on what the people they are mimicking have previously said.... I don't believe number 5's blog is pointless at all!
Well I've bored you people for long enough....
Thursday, December 4, 2008
The End of The World
Anyhoo.... my point is: I feel like showing off/competing with Brooke. Why? Because I'm... made of awesomevil... that's right I am awesomevil! (I don't even know how to pronounce that!) and I don't know. I have a lot of spare time now that it's holidays so I just keep wanting to blog but can't be bothered typing too much so yeah...
OK! Check out one of Brooke's wonderful stories :) This one is the happy one:
OK and this is my story! It's a bit longer but hey... be glad you're not reading it all... it's nearly 14 pages so far and I'm working on it! I has an idea! This is part of it!
Her name is Caitlin. (No bonus cookie points there unfortunately...) Let's just say she's 16 or 17. OK! Read on.... this is:
Untitled! (Wow.... imaginative...)
I was hungry so I decided to stop by at a fast food outlet before heading back home. I was barely paying any attention to my surroundings I didn’t even know what franchise I was inside and just ordered the first thing I saw on the list behind the woman at the counter. She handed me my food and I found a table in the corner far away from everyone else.
I don’t know how long I was there just staring at the blur of the headlights of cars as they went past but I snapped out of my trance when a cleaner came nearby and tried to mop near my feet.
I looked around and noticed that the entire place was empty except one or two people who had only come in recently. It was also very dark.
I sprang to my feet and got out of the way of the cleaner as I ran towards the door. I wasn’t meant to be home too late my father would get very angry. I started thinking of a way to sneak into the house without him knowing or how to get out of being punished as I stepped into the cold night air.
It was late and the stars were coming out. Clouds rolled over them and it become even darker and I kept walking. The only light being the occasional street lamp along the road near the foreshore and so I wasn’t completely blind. But it was somewhat uncomfortable being out alone this late even when I wasn’t going to be in trouble for it.
I saw in front of me four very large, very tough and very dangerous looking men. They were dressed in dark clothes and had some way of concealing their faces so I wouldn’t be able to recognize them if I saw them in the light. One was wearing sunglasses and another wore a hat. Well that seemed really stupid, it’s the night.
They looked at me and I could hear some excited murmurs as I got closer to them but I tried not to show how concerned I was about them. I tried only to look at them from the side of my eyes and to make it look like I had no interest or acknowledgement of their existence. I really didn’t want their attention but I unfortunately think I already had it.
I started to try and fade away in my head again. Preparing myself for what might come. I started to zone out and become disconnected from the world around me just enough that I would still be able to walk.
Suddenly something caught my attention and prevented me from separating mind from body. A fifth man -whose face was covered in cloth so I couldn’t see his mouth- joined them and walked side by side them. Oh great. There were even more of them now and this one didn’t look as large as them so he’d probably be able to chase after me if I ran.
The really strange thing about the fifth man was that the others didn’t seem to be too happy about him. This confused me when they started to walk slower to let him pass by them. The fifth man did the same. They then sped up and so did the fifth man. What was going on? Was this guy just drunk and seeing if he could annoy these people? The four men stopped entirely and faced the other man. They all looked very annoyed.
Fifth looked at them and pulled down the cloth that had covered his mouth. He smiled. His grin was stupid, eager and oblivious.
They looked back, angry, irritated and intent on smashing this guy’s face in now.
“What do you think you’re doing?” one of the larger men said.
Fifth still just stood there smiling. I had stopped to watch now. Even though this was probably a bad idea I was standing there with fascination at what was before me. Surely this man was insane or inebriated in some way or another because he was thin, my height and was up against four people twice his size that he didn’t seem to realize were a danger to him.
“Oi! We’re talking to you! Answer us!”
The largest of the guys stood in front of Fifth as the rest surrounded him. He didn’t even bother to look around at them; instead he turned his head slowly and looked at me. His head tilted to the side so he was looking at me on an angle. I saw it then, his eyes were discoloured, they were dark with specks of red and lines of white that were surrounded by a sea of pale yellow instead of white. He looked like he had a disease, he looked rapid and he looked incredibly insane now with his stupid toothed grin and ragged hair that hung below his shoulders. I could see him better now, easier, like he was slightly illuminated by the light around him more than anyone else. The world seemed to focus around him and his discoloured eyes store deep into mine. This strangely was a lot less unnerving than the fact that his line of sight had been met by the other four men and they were now looking at me too.
His head tilted and rotated back to face the big one. He tilted his head back and looked up at the man standing a whole head and shoulders above him then his head continued moving back. He was looking directly at the man behind him only his head was upside down… 180 degrees from what heads normally face.
“You are the little one,” he said to the man behind him.
It was obvious that he had annoyed them because they got somewhat restless and their patient waiting before they attacked seemed to be coming to an end.
“Right! Get him!”
It didn’t matter who said that because they were all struck at once. I don’t know how you strike in four different directions at once but somehow the ragged stranger seemed to manage. Before the broken, and now toothless, heads of the men had even made it halfway to the ground fifth had slammed his fist into the path and the ground opened up before him. He had created some sort of rift in the concrete path that spiraled down into darkness and the four men were sucked into it, bleeding and screaming at the sheer terror of the never ending fall into darkness before them.
Then it was all gone and they lay there screaming and writhing on the pavement as they clutched their broken teeth and battered jaws. They realized they were no longer falling and quickly scrambled away on all fours as they attempted to get up onto their hind legs.
“Running… like dogs…” the man who had done it all said with a strange hint of fascination in his voice.
He looked down and picked up the teeth one by one. He counted them as he did and it surprised me that the number had reached the double digits. Thirty-one teeth! What also surprised me was that I had stuck around long enough to watch this stranger pick up teeth from four men twice his size that he had just sent screaming and scared like a bunch of children from a rapid dog.
He poured the teeth into his pocket in his coat and turned around to face me. His clothes were bizarre to say the least. His black coat was covered in uneven and unsymmetrical pockets, some of which bulged. It had strips of cloth that hang from it forming stalactite-like shadows between his legs and arms and it was covered in strips of cloth that would come out of places, like his shoulder, and simply become reattached somewhere else, like his elbow. The sleeves covered the tops of his hands yet stopped at his wrists. Although this looked like the most unprofessional and incompetent design for a piece of clothing it seemed immaculately done, seamless as if someone had deliberately done something as bizarrely imperfect looking as this. His pants were similar, black and perfect in how they were built but unusual in design. He had a pocket on his knee on his right leg and a large, and uneven, pocket on the side of his left calf. There were two normal pockets on the sides of his hips like most pants where his hands were currently inside of. He wore large black leather boots that seemed to be the most normal thing he was wearing, if you call large black boots normal.
Somehow he didn’t look gothic even though he was dressed entirely in black. He just looked different to anything around him yet blended into the night. If it weren’t for his strange luminance in the near darkness of the night he’d be almost invisible.
Besides his clothes, his eyes, his deranged face of interest and amusement and his messy long black hair that would stick out slightly like it was almost spiked, he looked pretty normal. His body looked normal although it was almost completely covered in black so I guess maybe the rest of him was discoloured too. It would make sense; he’s probably very pale beneath that tangled mess of cloth and leather.
But those eyes… those strange yellow eyes that seemed to be looking into me rather than at me. They were scary and calming at the same time. I guess he had just saved my life just then, or at least saved me from something very terrible at the very least.
He bowed suddenly.
“You’re welcome.”
“Thank… you…”
Did he just read my mind? Can he hear my thoughts? Why hasn’t his strange and startling appearance combined with his purely bizarre and frightening demonstration of supernatural power left me scared?
He started walking towards me. I took a step back, not sure if I could outrun him or even if this guy needed to move to catch me or not but I guess stepping back slightly at the point in time would be expected from anyone. He didn’t notice, or at least didn’t act like he noticed, I wasn’t certain if he was unaware of the things around him or if he just acted like this. He might’ve been aware that those men probably weren’t going to do the nicest of things to me but maybe he just hurts people for fun.
He was standing only a small distance from me now. The kind of distance you have between a friend when talking to them. Not distant or invasive.
“What will you do with their teeth?” It was the first thing that came to mind. Asking unordinary people ordinary questions is not a bad idea but it’s not exactly a very helpful one.
He held out his hand and I took it after a long hesitation. He put my hand into a pocket. I nearly recoiled when I realized that it was the same pocket he had put the teeth in but I realized it there was nothing in there.
He smiled the same bare toothed smile and let go of my hand. He wasn’t going to do anything with the teeth; he had already gotten rid of them somehow.
There was a flutter of wings and a flash of black and I was standing outside my house and he was nowhere to be seen.
When I got inside my father was already asleep. I hoped that in the morning he had forgotten all about my late arrival and I would get off just this once.
That night I dreamt of waves crashing, mountains shaking and the world in upheaval. And amongst the turmoil, in the heart of destruction there was him. He stood there with the same oblivious smile but his eyes looked at the world before him and saw the stone and steel shatter into oblivion and I knew that then and there he was conscious of the end of the world. He was fully aware than as the ground itself split into two that he was amidst it all and he just smiled.
Then his hands rose into the air and he conducted the waves and lightning and earthquakes like a symphony. He was the conductor and composer of his own sonata and devastation was his instruments. Oh how he played the annihilation of the world so beautifully as the stars and planets joined in and the sky became a mural of a million trillion supernovas. Fire filled the sky and the sky was no longer the limits of my perception as I could see everything at once, direction or position meant nothing because I could see it all and I watched it burn. It was no longer the end of the world but of life, of the stars and nebulas and everything that in the universe.
He lowered his hands and all of creation was no more.
No more light. No more sound. No more warmth or cold or sensation or anything but unending darkness.
And in the darkness was his smile.
I awoke shocked. The dream was so real, so indescribable in how it felt and now it was all fading away like any dream does. Now waking it was incomprehensible how it could’ve been as vivid sleeping. By the time I had finished breakfast the only thing I could clearly remember that wasn’t merely an idea or vague memory, and a mere fraction of the intensity of the dream, was the smile. There was nothing but a smile in the darkness.
Why would anyone be happy about the end of the world?
Why indeed... yes... and it's spelt checked! With an American spell checker unfortunately... because my computer in my room unfortunately doesn't have any other versions of English like... the correct one... yeah I hate the Americanised-English...
Anyhoo, if you read this and don't tell me what you think... I shall find you... Also, don't compare my story to Brooke's. Completely different subject, purpose and is different to mine. Hers is a short story mine is a story extract... so no comparing... it's like comparing Terminator to Casablanca. (Do you really think my story is as good as Casablanca though?) So no one do that... because I personally can't handle the idea that Brooke is a better writer than me... my self esteem is so fragile! AAAAAGGGHHHHHH! Not criticism!
No I'm kidding... tell me honestly what you thought of my story extract :)
Have a nice day
Monday, December 1, 2008
also, it is the 17th post on this blog, and as most people should know, 17 is my lucky number!
well, 17 and a half has more meaning to it, but 17 is still lucky for me.
anyway, i feel honoured. or agravated. im not sure wich...
anyway i was reading bella's blog earlier, and i read the one about her friends mum. it actually made me rather sad, wich is unusual cause i didnt actually feel too sad when my uncle died in a car crash... hmmm i have gotten my priorities waaaayyyy mixed up here.
anyway as i was reading it i suddenly thought, whats it like to die???
morbid i know, but hey, who hasnt wondered that at some point in time???
i personally think that dying would be an absolutely fascinating experience, although im not really ready to try it out right at this moment. give it a week or two. but seriously the whole death thing fascinates me. i should become the next grim reaper. that would be my dream job i think.
i suppose one of the main things that's got me so fascinated is that all our speculations about death and dying are just that: speculations! we have no real evidence that anything or nothing or something happens, and even if it did, we have no way of knowing what it would be. i mean, we cant send someone out like we did to the moon and expect to hear back from them in a week or two, thats just silly. and thats really the only way we could know what happens afterwards.
its kinda like the anomalie of black holes. no-one really knows what would happen if you could pass through one. well, we know you would certainly die without some sort of ship or suit that can withstand the gravity, but if you could survive your trip through, we have no clue whats beyond there. absolutely no idea.
ooooh, mysterious. i dont like mysteries. most mysteries i solve quite quickly, but then i stop and im like no, that cant be it cause im stupid and theres no way i could have figured out the whole plot this quickly, it must be something completely non-related. and then the mysterie is solved, and im like, i so knew that, but of course no-one believes me. kinda sad really. doesnt anyone trust me to be able to think of stuff on my own. on second thoughts, dont answer, i may not like what i hear...
a little off the topic, but yes, i couldnt really continue my morbid conversation without side tracking a bit. it helps me think of new things to say. but its not really working right now unfortunately.
blargh. i would love to sit down and have a long deep and meaningful with death. i think he'd be an interesting person/thing. i mean, he's been around pretty much since life started, so im sure he's got some interesting tales to tell. unless he turns out to be like death from family guy. in wich case i'd just laugh myself to death. no pun intended.
sigh. im not really in the right headspace to be going on like this on an important topic like this. i lost one of my best friends and i dont know if i can get her back. on the upside i've been left speachless by a certain friend during a certain text conversation this weekend. it involved showers, kissing, killing god, me being a personal body guard, and what people want most in life. wich reminds me: everyone comment this, i want to know what everyone wants. so that way, when i become a powerful imortal super-being, i can give everyone what they REALLY want for christmas.
well, im nearly done now. i suppose il finish up by saying the best and most interesting thing about death and its related subjects is that whatever anybody thinks and believes is instantly right! well, we have no proof of anything, but we dont have any dis-proof either, so in this one instance, everyones oppinion can be correct!
oh, and to friend i feel i have lost: if you are reading this, i dont regret anything i'v said except the part about you doing yourself in. i am sorry for that, and i still want to remain friends. if you dont want to though, then tell me so, so that i wont be left waiting for something thats not going to happen. i still value you as one of my best friends, even if you dont feel the same way.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Being a Teenager :) SEX!
OK. Being a teenager involves not getting up in the mornings because you enjoy the night so much. If you are currently nocturnal you might just be a teenager, or a creature of the night. Sometimes the two are indistinguishable and both should be avoided if you are over 35. We are youths, don't mess with us... Even though most of us aren't drunk or stoned at night part of being a teenager is enjoying the fact that old people seem to think this therefore will get out of our way if we talk loud enough.
Being a teenager means someone on TV makes a joke about someone else's poor performance and you instantly realise exactly what that means. You also go "haha! oh burn!" and then realise no one else in the room is laughing... But you don't care that the middle aged people surrounding you don't think the vulgarity of the TV is funny because you know that you're the one who is right. Old people generally don't have good sense of humours.... the exceptions are few but as a teenager if you ever find one you think this is absolutely awesome!
Being a teenager means you know a lot of words your parents don't know. But any satirical things on TV that use this slang go way over board and eventually they'll end up saying something no one on earth understands........ just thought I'd mention that even though it's pretty minor. Damn noobs clogging my TV with their screwed up slang. They'd be hell devo if I found them and pwned their butts....
Being a teenager involves a lot of very innapropriate things....
..... *sheepish look*...... oh yeah.....
giggity giggity
Aaaannnyyyyhhhoooooooo.... (That didn't take long! "ooh burn!")
Being a teenager means you are between the ages of 13 and 19.... if you didn't know this you are pretty damn stupid. I'm surprised you can even read! What are you reading this for? This is boring stop reading it...
Being a teenager means you need to amount as many issues about everything you do and how you look and act and fit in to the social groups around you as much as you possibly can.... because if you don't have at least one issue you lose. The more problems you have the more unique you are and so you win! Yay! You all lose because I'm a sexually undecided hyponcondriac bulemic paranoid schizophrenic perfectionist pyromaniac with an inferiority complex and I don't like being touched and have the fear of purple! YOU LOSE! I WIN! I am now the victor for I have no friends because I yell 4-digit prime numbers at anyone who comes near! (3457! 1423! 7919! 5861! 4007! I can go on like this for a very long time you know!)
Being a teenager means you actually understand the internets... and can has undrstandngs ov lolcat speaks... i.e. we have the ability to destroy the english language with ease!
Being a teenager means you don't fully understand other teenagers when they say that they mainly enjoy helping other people because we all have very different opinions.... and everyone else's is WRONG! The Thing That Should Not Be (TTTSNB)... no you don't enjoy things you do a lot of the time but I rarely ever have to do something I don't like and a very large majority of the time I enjoy myself. You're the selfless one because you don't always enjoy yourself... I'm the selfish one because I do? But then it's still ironic for both... I do a seemingly selfless act for a selfish reason yet you make everyone happy but you yourself aren't always that happy...
Being a teenager means lots of things... if you are not one. Run... run away...
.... faster....
Being a teenager means you have a heightened sense of smell and a thirst for blood...
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
revenge of the sith
im going to have fun with this.
and it only took me 20 minutes to write about my day, so ner! your a slow typer.
i like to keep my posts relatively short because i realise no-one cares what i think. your still in denial is all. haha.
anyway i have decided that i am sith lord darth metaliccus, and my revenge is in the form of this post.
i have not had THAT much to drink tonight. only about 7 beers, half a bottle of jim beam, 2 vodka cruisers, and 3 iron brew vodka's that my cousin left when she went back home. hooooorrrraaaaayyyyy!
i have had a very trying day. one of my best friends spilt some news onto me that i really wasnt expecting.
i wont say cause i promised i wont. just understand i am very depressed as of now and i will probably carve up my hand tomorow morning at some ungodly hour.
not that there is a god, of course.
and if there is, i know your listening, and im coming for you!!!
i found a book on star wars episode 3: revenge of the sith. it was really fucking awsome! it was really dark compared to the movie, and it went really in depth, and in all honesty it is one of the best books iv read in a while. i really enjoyed it.
yes i know its star wars, and i dont care it was an awsome book. especially the last chapter. that really got to me. it was just so epic! well here it is now.
This is how it feels to be anakin skywalker, forever.
the first dawn of light in your universe brings pain. the light burns you. it will always burn you. part of you will always lie upon black glass sand beside a lake of fire whilst flames chew your flesh.
you can hear yourself breathing. it comes hard, and harsh, and it scrapes every nerve already raw, but you cannot stop it. you can never stop it. you cannot even slow it down.
you dont even have lungs anymore. mechanisms hardwired into your chest breathe for you. they will pump oxygen into you bloodstream forever.
lord vader, can you hear me?
and you cant, not in the way you once did. sensors in the shell that prisons your head trickle meaning directly into your brain.
you open your scorched-pale eyes, optic sensors integrate light and shadow into a hideous simulacrum of the world around you.
or perhaps the simulacrum is perfect, and it is the world that is hideous.
padmé? are you here? are you alright? you try yo say, but anotehr voice speaks for you, out from the vocabulator that serves you for burned away lips ang tongue and throat.
"padmé? are you here? are you alright?"
im very sorry lord vader. im afraid she died. it seems in your anger, you killed her
this burns hotter than the lava did.
", its not possible"
you love her, you will always love her. you could never will her death.
but you remember....
you remember all of it.
you remember the dragon that you brought vader forth from your heart to slay. you remember the cold venom in vaders blood.
you remember the furnace of vaders fury, and the black hatred of seizing her throat to silence her lying mouth-
and there is one blazing moment in wich you finally understand that there was no dragon. there was no vader. there was only you.
anakin skywalker.
that it was you. all you.
you killed her.
you did it it.
only you.
you killed her.
you killed her because, finally, when you could have saved her, when you could have gona away with her, when you should have been thinking about her, you were thinking about yourself.
it is in this blazing moment that you finally understand the trap of the dark side, the final cruelty of the sith.
because now your self is all you will ever have.
and you rage and you scream and reach through the force to crush the shadow who has destroyed you, but you are so far less now than you were, you are more than half machine, you are like a painter gone blind, a composer gone deaf, you can remember were the power was but the power you can touch is only a memory, and so with all your world destroying fury it is only droids around you that implode, and equipment, and the table on wich you were strapped shatters, and in the end, you cannot touch the shadow.
in the end, you dont even want to.
in the end, the shadow is all you have left.
because the shadow understands you, the shadow forgives you, the shadow gathers you unto itself-
and within you furnace heart, you burn in your own flame.
this is how it feels to be Anakin Skywalker.
very deep and i love it. it chills me with the emotion and depth of anakins pain. good god i think im coming...
no but seriously check it out sometime.
anywho, thats all for me, and for the record i hate recieving presents as well.
i agree, shalow and padantic.
20 Minutes is not enough
OK! Just so you know it doesn't take me 20 minutes to write a blog Thing that should not be... 20 minutes isn't nearly enough to do that sort of thing! Apparently you and I disagree about a lot of things that you think only take 20 minutes (Hehehe ooooh he's so going to point out the lack of validity in that...) so I'm just going to time how long I take to blog... and blog I shall! You think you're the only one keeping this thing together? Well... OK you're kinda right but no one blogs as much as you! I posted 10 posts in a month on my other blog ( woo! shameless self promotion!) but I am kinda glad that someone (cornflake.... brooklyn.... all those other people I've invited but haven't joined... he's the only one who asked to be in it!) is actually taking this seriously and blogging... so woo! A clap for the thing that should not be... I am far too cruel to you sometimes let's clap some more.... (hehehe big head)
Well food is the secret weakness of all men... not just you. There's another weakness we all share but most girls aren't brave enough to tempt us with that in public... (Why the hell not? COME ON! We don't give a damn about going to buy new shoes with us! Give us an insentive to follow you around! Although it'll probably backfire and we'll just say "uhh... give me a moment I need to... sit down.... cross legged....")
Anyhoo, OK! I don't really write very long blogs on this blog (even though I've mentioned I do write bigs ones every now and then) so someone thinks they actually write long ones... no! wrong... they're not 3 pages long they aren't that big! So let's talk about something shall we?
Picnics! They are very nice things to do... even if they are just in your backyard on plastic chairs overlooking the sea (I was planning on a park but my feet don't like moving....) and all you've got to eat sandwich wise is jam and cheese... not at the same time but the thought of that actually crossed my mind at some time. I decided that it's probably not for the best if I decided to be bold and try jam on cheese.... (cheddar) it might cause the person I was with to lose her appetite. Now you think english/canadian accents are cute (Guys like girls from all countries! Especially countries that have never heard of the terrible terrible things those guys do in their spare time.... you know what I'm talking about thing that should not be! Eyes aren't the only red things... OK that was incredibly suggestive and I didn't actually have anything in specific to imply so let your own dirty mind twist that into whatever you didn't want to think about! THINK ABOUT IT!) well I think that scottish accents are far more appealing... I always have :P Scottish accents (the ones you can understand that is) are made of pure awesome and endless fun listening to some cute girl talk about cute things with a cute accent especially when they think that you are cute... :) woo! OK does this count as personal? I'm talking about picnics with a very special someone (who anyone who reads this blog should actually know.... woo! yeah 6 months and counting!)
no... no I haven't used your present....
MAY NO ONE EVER... EVER mention what that in joke was about! EVER! (OK not exactly "joke" but you know... in... inny thingy that you don't need to know about but certain people reading this would want to know... possibly...) I shall hunt you down....
Clocks. Clocks are nice :) I have a clock that's shaped like a TV and it is an adorably cute little present that helps me know what time it is when I am in doubt of the clock right in front of me! (Which I normally have one because my house is filled with them.... and the one on the computer keeps changing so I went to bed at 1am when I thought it was only midnight....) but how do I top a little shiny TV shaped clock? My lovely scottish girl already has a watch! But who knows how long that'll last? (She is like an X-men.... watches stop working after a week due to constant contact with her... she's electric baby! yeeeaaaahhh! Feel the tingling sensation! Mmm-mm! Anyhoo... sorry to have broken your mind children... I just get excited when talking about that :P) basically...
Christmas is a time of fear....
I don't get people presents! I never have... I've never had the chance really. Don't normally see my friends over the long holidays and they never get me anything so I never expect to give anything back... I don't expect presents and I don't even really want them that much... I want one from my parents just as a nice little bonus to the free BBQ sausages I get on that day... that and the present/s make up for the fact I need to see my annoying little cousins who once saw Peter Pan on video when they were very little and decided to take the "never grow up" philosophy very very seriously... they are constantly annoying and act like little children... well... they are little children and have always been that way for as long as I remember but you'd think they'd be slightly older acting little children right? Oh well... I like the one who doesn't talk... she just sits there smiling and not talking... unfortunately she doesn't look creepy when she does it because that would be very cool! But anyhoo, I am very indifferent to getting presents (Yeah... hoorah for Grace! You rock girl!) and basically everytime my girlfriend asks me what I want I go "I want you with a little red ribbon on your head" and she goes "Awwww! That's so cute! But no seriously what do you want?" and I go "A hug" "You get hugs anyway" "and a kiss" "you get that too anyway!" ".... I want extra ones..." and it goes on like that until she figures out that Apocalyptica is currently one of my favourite bands that I am lacking in CD's of so has most likely decided to go out and get me their album Cult or Inquisition symphony... failing that (Which she most likely will because stupid CD stores decide that good music isn't popular enough to be in stores!) she's going to get me Metallica... which she can't fail at because that is popular enough to always have it's own column of CD's stacked tightly together so no one can help but notice it's assorted bands then METALLICA then other random bands... But yeah... I don't mind if no one gets me a gift because I always have such a dificult time coming up with one I really want... they ask me what I want and I go "I have to get back to you... I have to think of something then convince myself I want it just so you can buy it for me for money you could've spent on something else" (Only... not verbatim)
But now... now someone actually expects ME to get them a gift! What? I don't even have a job! And the only place I ever worked at was the place she works at now and she wants to quit because she got paid more serving bread to people! And I worked there for 5/6 hours! Yeah... I've only ever had one job in a place I don't know my way round in, I refuse to ever go into again (yeah don't ask... I'm uncomfortable around large places where I have nothing to do besides look very very weird...)
11:13 Half an hour and I've already typed all that... meh....
I have $38 in my bank account... a bank account I don't know the details to! So I'm just a little bit away from actually having a spare $38 to spend.... the unfortunate thing about this is the global economic crisis has made this once wonderful and bountiful $38.... more like $24.... or.... some other number. I'm not sure! All I know is it's not worth as much and I wish it was worth more so I could shower people in chocolate... because then they'd completely overlook the fact that I didn't actually buy them a proper gift I just threw sugar and cocoa at them! BAAHHH! SUGAR! Another unfortunate thing is... this person also doesn't want to tell me what they want... (OK I understand your frustration thing that should not be... curse you Grace! Want something!... Wait... that's very ironic because I was saying I didn't want anything in particular! Curse! Curse you irony!) so the fact that I've known them for a year and a half is meant to mean that I can instantly see into their heads and figure out what they want?
OK I took a short break so take off 5 minutes from my final time to find out how long I've been typing.
I'm expected to know things!? *hyperventilates* I know she likes books but I don't know which ones she doesn't already have... She likes cheese but I don't really think cheese counts as a christmas present... and if it was flashy enough it'd probably be expensive. I don't know what she wants! The world needs to be a lot less materialistic and less expecting... like me... that way I get to keep whatever little money I have left and you're all happy with the hugs I give you as presents! My presence is a present! I know that sounds very vain but some people quite enjoy having me around...
Awww... I don't feel like I've said that much and I've pretty much run out of things to say! Grr...
Less than a month to find a christmas present... less than a month to think of it and buy it... OK this is the point where I mention that I am not comfortable around shops at all... OK I remember once someone wanted to take me with a bunch of people (girls... yes girls are people too guys...) and it was like "Oh so you don't like me at all and you secretly like to torture me by forcing me to do things now?" Nah it wasn't that dramatic it was more like *sad face* :( but yeah... I don't like shopping! If I want a CD I quickly walk in, find it as soon as I can and leave... JB-hi-fi is the closest I get to being comfortable... something about being surrounded by hundreds of heavy metal/alternative hard rock albums with bizarre and dark looking covers makes me feel at ease.... Alternative thrash metal is very relaxing... I can fall asleep to Rammstein and Disturbed.... but I use them in the car to keep my mother awake when she's driving me home at night... woo!
You want to know why? I feel so horrified. I let my innocence die. Want to know why I can't be pacified?
Then some other words... You're no immortal I won't let them deify you! They view you as the new messiah!
Anyhoo... It's relaxing to be surrounded by the familiar appearance of Metallica's St. Anger CD's and The Offspring's Greatest Hits, POD's When Angels and Serpent's Dance and then some other bands which I don't remember the names of.... but it's still uncomfortable because I'm surrounded by people and noise and I'm in a shop! Which freaks me out unless I'm with someone I know... and even then it's not the best thing to keep me relaxed... it can be freezing and I'll be taking off my jacket because I start to burn up... As soon as I have my CD's and I'm waiting in the line to pay for them I start to get uncomfortable... so I hate shopping and this means I'm really not liking the fact that I need to go out to some unfamiliar shop in the middle of a huge crowd of busy christmas shoppers to find something that I'm not sure what it is yet and wander around and wait in lines and talk to people I've never met... yes, I am incredibly dysfunctional and I'm starting to like Brooklyn's ideals more and more now... socialism! woo! Down with capitalism and having to go to shops and busy crowds! This is why I don't have a job... because I rarely ever get the courage to go look for one let alone actually try to apply for one... as soon as I find any excuse out of it I am not doing it! I have an application for Red Rooster or Chicken Treat or KFC or... in fact I don't even know where I was applying to but I was! Anyhoo, as soon as anything on it wasn't super obviously clear or I wasn't entirely sure what my response was (like... what hours I was free) then I put it to the side and have only recently discovered it when I got rid of all the 30 tonnes of school work and stuff and songs I've been writing and books I've been reading that I have piled up next to my reclining chair (That reclines! Whoa! Like lying down while sitting!) and I took a short look at it... and reburied it... I'll speak about my two foot tall (I measure it) mountain of schoolwork and exercise books I organised into one pile in my room for later sorting through to find what goes into the recycling and what stays... but back to the job thing... my idea of a perfect job... blockbuster video...
not just any blockbuster video but the one near the rhino carwash near the small woolworths near that park... you know... the one that doesn't exist anymore? Yeah... I once went in there to get DVD's for my birthday party (I got caddyshack and shaun of the dead! woo!) because Video Ezy for the first time (*cough* no Dr Strange love *cough* or Elephant man but strangely enough Metropolis?) had failed me in not having something I wanted!... Something mainstream contemporary that I wanted that is... besides the occasional Arnold Swarztgahvbneggar movie (that's how you really spell his name!). Well I go into blockbuster and instantly realise that... this is the worst video store... of all time! It's... so bad! The DVD's were packed with the covers outwards instead of the spine (like a bookstore instead of a library...) and even then not all of the shelves were completely covered! And there was a very very big window covering most of the wall so a lot of those covers were faded due to the sunlight and I couldn't even find The Matrix Trilogy! What a selection! I did find the asian cinema in a basket down the bottom of a shelve in the corner though... I was happy that it existed which was a shock when considering what was around me... another thing that struck me was that there was only one other person who came through that door in the entire time I was there! This was an unwanted, unnatractive and pathetic video store with very high prices....
...I wanted to work there... I had to work there! I inquired if they had any jobs going and they said they had recently hired someone but I should hand in my resume and they'd consider me for the future so I go home and work on my resume... my... really sucky one... with nothing actually on it and big font just so it takes up a page (I have since learnt how to write a resume!) and I unfortunately never got round to handing it in because they closed down... you see the reasons why I wanted to work there was because I would be surrounded by movies (I like movies, I want to be a film director/writer) so it's nice, I get paid so it's nice, there's no one around which is nice and relaxing... these reasons why it's perfect for me to work there... is also the perfect reason why it would close down... and the other one nearby close down... there are still blockbuster video stores out there! But they are far away and more popular... grr... oh well... if I get paid by working at a library I'd love to do that :) It'd be nice... I'd be surrounded by books and everyone is quiet... :D
well yes... anyhoo, I am jobless, I am running out of money and will become bankrupt within the next few months if I keep this up (I bought tim tams for the picnic! And no one ate any!?) so yeah... oh well....
The make donations to the Save the Bilby foundation simply email me your bankaccount details at the following address.... nah just kidding. OK!
And speaking of weird/heavy metal bands (look up!) I have started listening to Opeth... again... yeah they are very interesting but their incredibly long songs (Over 10 minutes normally...) made me kinda bored at some point in time so I just avoided listening to them for other, shorter songs... To Bid you Farewell is over 10 minutes long and is kinda slow which is the song I probably got annoyed at... oh well... but yeah, after listening to Tool's 7-9 minute long songs (and even the really long ones of 11 minutes like Wings Prt 2 (11 minutes! Woo!) and some listening to Metallica's 6-9 minute long songs (Woo! "Creeping death" to "And Justice for All") I've gotten used to songs longer than 4 minutes... So I'm listening to Opeth now and Ghost of Perdition is really awesome :P And I've forgotten how to play it! Oh well...
Also, I downloaded the music video for Psychosocial by Slipknot (woo!) and I was watching it when my mother comes in... and she sees fire and some very strange looking men jumping around in dark clothes and wearing very dark and evil looking masks yelling "I did my time! And I want out! So abusive" ect and goes "WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO!?" and I calmly say "Psychosocial by Slipknot" "What is this!? Why are you listening to this!?" and that's when I decided that she had had enough of listening to the song and should probably stop it... she told me to discern what kinds of music I listen to and not just listen to any old thing... I don't think she actually knew what Slipknot was like she just saw a guy with spikes coming out of his head, what could only barely be called a clown (looks faarrrr to creepy these days to be a clown!) and a guy in a large metal mask with glowing red eyes and thought "This is evil..."... yes she's right they are evil and if she had continued to watch the music video she would've seen a burning pentagram in the ground but she didn't know that! She doesn't know that it's the kind of music she doesn't want me listening to! She just assumed.......... correctly...... oh well. I got in a small amount of trouble and was told off to listening to and watching Slipknot... well good thing I wasn't watching the video clip to A.D.I.D.A.S by KoRn! :P Man she would've gone truly psychotic over that! If she ever bothered to see what music is on the computer she really wouldn't like what she hears! Thankfully as soon as she hears the music she doesn't stick around for the lyrics... woo! She thinks Linkin Park yell too much and are too heavy... so there's no way she'd even try to listen to a Mudvayne song :D
Anyhoo... I should probably start my day... I got up and didn't do much... had some breakfast then decided that, because no one was online, I'd check this blog and the thing that should not be has kinda challenged me to blog so I did.... goodbye now I have a day to do things in! I am off to read New Moon! (It's so sad! Got to the bit with Edward and Bella in the woods just outside her house and she gets lost and yeah... and it's all very very sad and she starts crying and hopefully that's not vague enough so people who have read the book know what I'm talking about but vague enough so people who haven't read the book don't get any spoilers...) and I will hopefully do some more... Like continue writing a song or recycle the endless mountains of garbage I've accumulated over the year by going to school! Teachers hate trees! Don't deny it... you do... you hate trees, you hate free time and you hate the environment because it doesn't teach us anything about physics or the poetry of Sylvia plath! (Who is dead now... like the trees...)
I think I might burn it... mainly the maths stuff... oh! Btw, never decide you want to set fire to something that produces smoke next to the laundry! I rediscovered the sparklers I have stored in my cupboard and decided that I haven't seen a good sparkler fire in a while so I'd make a slow burning one out of bamboo so the bamboo (that doesn't burn very easily) will spurt out fire and I can hold it and wander around ect... good thing I could move it because I realised that I could smell a lot of smoke... and the wind was blowing this smoke right into the clothes left out to dry... this was bad... nothing says suspiscious like me walking into the house smelling of smoke and then everyone's clothes also smelling of smoke... so I had to quickly move it and yeah... my rabbit seemed to enjoy watching me and my flaming stick of death....
If only I had a CD I'd put it in the microwave like I did a few years ago... the school ordered me to destroy the CD so I did!
Anyway.... took a bit longer than I thought I would but yeah... see? Can't do that within 20 minutes...
P.S. This is over 6 pages long.... beat that thing that should not be! :)
P.P.S Now my arm feels weird... it's... weird! Left arm hurts and my right elbow (on the front... what's the front? the back is the elbow BUT WHAT IS THE FRONT!? AAAGGHHHHH!!!!!) it feels... I don't know how it feels it's like... warmth... under my skin that massages and sends strange strange sensations running through my arm... make it stop! Bah! It's like being on the edge of being tickled without being tickled... only being tickled from the inside outwards.... something's... happening to me... I can feel it... *heaves* uurtggh! rarr I have blogged to much I'm... I'm... turning into something... inhuman! rrarrrrr *burst through the window* I have gone to devour the flesh of noobs and people who spend too much time on internet forums! Arrooooo!!!
OK, Post edit... I'd just like to point out to The Thing that Should Not Be... that he has only written 7 and a half pages in 6 posts... I have only 5 posts (Including this one) and 1 of them is just the rules of this blog... so if you really want it's 4 posts actually blogging properly but lets just say 5... doesn't matter 5 posts and 13 pages. You have an average of 1.25 and I have an average of 2.6... you get the latest two entries I have written and those two combined is pretty much the same amount as you've written entirely... come on it's far too easy to catch up to you.... and you typed a lot even when it wasn't holidays! I'm quite enjoying this actually :D Means you can't lord anything over me... because I still type more than you even if my blogs aren't as common as yours.... btw, good to see you're finally putting titles to your posts... anyhoo I really should leave now for real... I might just make another blog entry and then you'd really be far behind on the amount of blogging I've been doing...
Also, cornflake has a draft for a blog she hasn't written anything in it... I wish she would she has such a lovely and interesting way of talking :) And Brooklyn has only written just over 2 pages but she has her own blog (just like me... check it out, you'll see why I don't blog much on this one...) so yeah... lord it over her :P We're both totally awesome and talk a lot... woo! We talk a lot!