Sunday, December 14, 2008


OK, we all know what happens when you reach 40. You slow down, you don't move around as much and you have to work harder to make sure you don't let yourself go.... you also start to look in the mirror and hunt down those evil grey hairs that will eventually plague you and the fact that one day you won't even have any hair to worry about is strangely not comforting...

Yeah that'd be great if that happened to me at 40! I know I'm going to get bald, fat and sit around all day... because I'm currently 2/3 of that already! It's just that when I'm older I want to be able to look in the mirror and look at my few grey hairs and go "well, I guess this had to come eventually..."

.... what I don't want is to look in the mirror when I'm 40 and go "Hey wow I didn't know I had any red hairs left!"

...What has this got to do with anything at all ever? Well you see 40 year olds do the mirror thing...

... 16 year olds don't. Or at least shouldn't!!!! BUT I DO! I DO!! I didn't before but after today I might as well start because quite simply...

I FOUND A GREY HAIR! I FOUND A GREY HAIR! I'm now old !!! I'm an old person because I have a grey hair... I'm not overreacting you're underracting! I know going on about this is bad for my blood pressure and my ancient heart might not take the stress and I'd sit down but I'm afraid it'll take me 20 minutes to get out of it again because of my arthritis but... grr! What? I don't even think this is the first grey hair I've found! Seriously someone tell me this happens to everyone not just me right? Because that would really suck if I were to be grey all over by the time I'm in my mid 20's...


Wikipedia to the rescue...

"More than 40 percent of Americans have some gray hair by age 40, but white hairs can appear as early as childhood."

Well that doesn't matter I'm not even American! :P nah ok. I have also started to research redhair and so far it is fascinating! It has nothing to do with the completely random white hair that is protruding from the right so of my head looking incredibly obvious whenever I look in the mirror but it's fascinating anyway! I'm apparently more sensitive to sunlight than people of any other hair colour because redheads normally have paler skin and freckle. (I can't tan) That's fine with me! Sunlight bad, summer is abnormally bright...

I can't be bothered researching this too much. I hope my grey hair goes away and I don't get another one for a long time... if not. Then I will be renamed "Red 'n' White" and shall stalk the night reeking my vengeance on those who dare to mock those who be ginger!

I don't want to be grey! :( I can't ironically mock someone for red hair anymore! It used to be very fun when someone was disgreeing with me to just go "Shut up rangar..." and they just look at me like "...what? but... you're... what?" and I get my laugh and walk away. I want to still be able to do that!

Failing doing that, I can always do what freaky old people who are obsessed with their appearance (I'm not obsessed with my appearance... I'm practically the anti-narcisist) and dye my hair to hide those small grey hairs. Hey what do you people think? Do you think I should be blonde or dye my hair black? :P Me as a blonde... hahaha
To photoshop! OK here are some really quickly (and poorly) done photoshopped images of me as a blond and one of me with black hair. Wow... OK I prefer red hair...

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