Monday, December 15, 2008

snake bite

i got my snakebites today. they hurt like fuck. for anybody who doesnt know, snakebites are twin piercings on the bottom lip. i love them muchly though. the guy who did them was really cool, but he downplayed the pain a fair bit. he told me his didnt hurt at all.

he lied. he had the needle just touching my lip, and he was like, breathe in, it helps, and of course with all his "its not that bad", i just expected a little prick. wrong. the needle was litterally rammed through my lip, and i was "shiiiiiit man!" but i couldnt talk much cause i had a bit of metal in my mouth. then he said open wide, and i thought he was going to take the needle out. so he gets ANOTHER needle and rams it into the first one. "ow ow ow jesus christ". but now i had two bits of metal in my mouth, so it was even less co-herent than the time before.

anyway, then it came time for the other side. he warned me that the second side hurts a lot more than the other side, but by this time, my mentallity was saying "when the other side gets pierced, then the side thats fucking canning like a bitch will stop hurting, cause pain will be drawn to the other side. i was right.

so he gets it all set up, he said take a deep breathe, but i was just like, hurry up and stab me. so here we go three two one OH MY FUCKING GOD THAT REALLY FUCKING HURTS!!! my eyes probably looked like they were trying to leap out of my skull, so christine held my hand and she was like, squeeze me harder than i'm squeezing you, so i did, but i must have squeezed really hard cause after one second she was like, oww let go that hurts. and christines pretty strong, to. she can carry me on her back, for christs sake. anyway, then the other needle had to go into the other side. so i grabbed cornflakes hand. and i think i just about fucking broke her fingers when the needle went in. if your reading this, sorry babe.

as we were leaving, i was feeling really hungry, so we decided to get some food. but my lip was still really hurting, i mean like on fire burning my skin off hurting. so we went to target to get some panadol. i was all for swallowing the packet whole, but the others didnt think that was such a good idea. anyway i took two, and they hadnt kicked in after 15 minutes, so i was being very agitated and difficult. sorry guys, didnt mean to offend you if i did. well we went to macca's. and i tried to eat a burger. it was decidedly more difficult than i thought it would be. i kept feeling like the backs of my piercings were going to catch in my teeth, and they'd be ripped out. wich is a rather unpleasant feeling. and to start off with i couldnt even fit the burger in my mouth, cause it felt wierd to be opening my mouth so wide with two pieces of metal sticking through them. i still cant really smile or laugh properly. hopefully my kissing wont be affected by this :p

well i caught up with jethro, jacob and bilby later that day, and we did some filming for one of bilby's movies. i got to be a killer! it was cool. i stabbed cornflake in the chest with a knife. if any one of my friends ever becomes a director, i am going to cameo in every movie they make either as the killer/villain, or as a continuous side character who is completely unimportant to the story, but sais the most random lines, and hopefully has the goriest death. i would like that a lot.

has anybody seen donnie darko??? i watched it last night, and it was one of the weirdest, trippiest films iv ever seen. it was completely awsome! i wasnt really expecting much, cause the only thing i knew about it when i rented it out was that it was really good, and it had jake and maggie gyllenhall playing a brother and sister. man, just watching all the trippy, dis-jointed stuff kinda made me feel less in touch with reality. but good god was it bloody brilliant.

then i got to thinking: if anything like this happened to me, would i react in the same way??? would i do what everyone else does??? i honestly dont know. i'd probably think i somehow got stuck in a movie or something. i dunno. if i had uber cool powers, i'd probably try and take over the world. that would be fun. although i have to admit, i probably would have done what donnie did in most situations, particullarly at the end of the movie. dont get me wrong though, im not a paranoid schizzophrenic, just increadibly paranoid. the movie had a wicked sound track as well.

well im off to research the summoning of demons for a little project me and some friends are planning. till next time, cheerio.

1 comment:

Bilby P. Dalgyte said...

Yeah Jacob is the one who will hire u as a killer. I won't. No offence but I'm not going to make many movies with a psycho in it...

and i'm glad u had fun killing cornflake :P

I've seen donnie darko! it's awesome! it's so trippy i say it 3 times and i was still like "....whoa... this is trippy" it's truly brilliant, i want it :P

Thanks for your help as the killer :) enjoy the holidays