Sunday, November 30, 2008

Being a Teenager :) SEX!

How to tell you are a teenager.... well, for starters if you can't tell what age you are then you are suffering from amnesia or very very stupid (you dumbfu-) you are also most likely a teenager (or a creepy middle aged man) if you saw the word "SEX!" before you saw anything else in the title and instantly thought "YES! YES I SHALL CLICK ON THIS AND.... read... this... blog... what? awww..."

OK. Being a teenager involves not getting up in the mornings because you enjoy the night so much. If you are currently nocturnal you might just be a teenager, or a creature of the night. Sometimes the two are indistinguishable and both should be avoided if you are over 35. We are youths, don't mess with us... Even though most of us aren't drunk or stoned at night part of being a teenager is enjoying the fact that old people seem to think this therefore will get out of our way if we talk loud enough.

Being a teenager means someone on TV makes a joke about someone else's poor performance and you instantly realise exactly what that means. You also go "haha! oh burn!" and then realise no one else in the room is laughing... But you don't care that the middle aged people surrounding you don't think the vulgarity of the TV is funny because you know that you're the one who is right. Old people generally don't have good sense of humours.... the exceptions are few but as a teenager if you ever find one you think this is absolutely awesome!

Being a teenager means you know a lot of words your parents don't know. But any satirical things on TV that use this slang go way over board and eventually they'll end up saying something no one on earth understands........ just thought I'd mention that even though it's pretty minor. Damn noobs clogging my TV with their screwed up slang. They'd be hell devo if I found them and pwned their butts....

Being a teenager involves a lot of very innapropriate things....

..... *sheepish look*...... oh yeah.....

giggity giggity

Aaaannnyyyyhhhoooooooo.... (That didn't take long! "ooh burn!")

Being a teenager means you are between the ages of 13 and 19.... if you didn't know this you are pretty damn stupid. I'm surprised you can even read! What are you reading this for? This is boring stop reading it...

Being a teenager means you need to amount as many issues about everything you do and how you look and act and fit in to the social groups around you as much as you possibly can.... because if you don't have at least one issue you lose. The more problems you have the more unique you are and so you win! Yay! You all lose because I'm a sexually undecided hyponcondriac bulemic paranoid schizophrenic perfectionist pyromaniac with an inferiority complex and I don't like being touched and have the fear of purple! YOU LOSE! I WIN! I am now the victor for I have no friends because I yell 4-digit prime numbers at anyone who comes near! (3457! 1423! 7919! 5861! 4007! I can go on like this for a very long time you know!)

Being a teenager means you actually understand the internets... and can has undrstandngs ov lolcat speaks... i.e. we have the ability to destroy the english language with ease!

Being a teenager means you don't fully understand other teenagers when they say that they mainly enjoy helping other people because we all have very different opinions.... and everyone else's is WRONG! The Thing That Should Not Be (TTTSNB)... no you don't enjoy things you do a lot of the time but I rarely ever have to do something I don't like and a very large majority of the time I enjoy myself. You're the selfless one because you don't always enjoy yourself... I'm the selfish one because I do? But then it's still ironic for both... I do a seemingly selfless act for a selfish reason yet you make everyone happy but you yourself aren't always that happy...

Being a teenager means lots of things... if you are not one. Run... run away...

.... faster....

Being a teenager means you have a heightened sense of smell and a thirst for blood...

1 comment:

Rayne said...

:P very true..........soo i guess im not invited to be a team member :( fine then :P luve you all