Friday, November 7, 2008

Fellow Cornflakes

OK this blog has been created well... for fun really. (I dare someone to come up with a perfectly legitimate and plausible reason why any of us do anything that isn't somehow related to our own enjoyment...) But how is this fun? Well you see this gets a bunch of people together to basically make the world just that little itty bitty tinsy tiny eeny weeny beeny seeny geeny teeny yeeny bit more interesting.... or just a bit more random :) OK the idea is get a few or more authors to this blog and just let them blog... a lot... about nothing, or something, or whatever. Trust me, blogging is fun! It really is you get a lot of things out and you come up with some really random things. So if you're currently reading this because I've sent you to this page and asked you to become a co-author to this blog I basically think you are quite dandy and awesome to say the least :) I also think you may be a bit odd... or very odd... doesn't matter! I like you anyway, and I hope you like me back.... the... way you like friends that is.... I'm pretty sure I'll try to invite some guys into this whole group blogging thing so I'd rather they not start making googly eyes at me... that's creepy...

Anyhoo, if you are an author of this blog please read the following rules (also, signing up to be an Author means I OWN YOUR SOUL!)

1. Don't blog about really personal matters.... OK strangely enough the world doesn't need to know that you're feeling really sad because sometimes you just feel so alone... (That's for the stalkers on myspace to find out) Feel free to tell us that someone in your life has died... we bloggers aren't completely heartless (only mindless zombies sent to read BLOGS) personal problems are for diaries not blogs.... unless they're really funny personal problems... I care though... (Of course, blogging about how you fed the dog today is really really strange and so therefore most likely encouraged :P Yes the world wants to hear about how fat your siblings or pets are becoming!)

2. Don't give away personal information... (like... no duh...) basically the world might care where you live.... but you really shouldn't let them know because some of the world is a creepy world. It clings to the underside of rocks and hisses in the dark trying to find out where you lives....

Also, you don't need to but it'd be really awesome if we all had an alias... I have an alias, Cornflake has an alias (of... "Cornflake"...) so feel free to hide who you are from the world! Woo! Hiding in an ironic fashion! :P

3. Don't post blogs consisted of single






Each page shows 20 (now 20! I've discovered how to change that number!) blog entries so if you post really short blogs that run off from each other YOU ANNOY EVERYONE!

4. Enjoy yourself...

... or else....

.....mwahahahahahahahahagajaggiebvasp0ghgljvushgilovechicken!hahahaha..... ha

Now, go out and blog, who cares what it's about? Just blog about how you don't know what to blog about... it will just spawn from there and it will be fun! And random and basically lets try to make the world laugh at our total awesome randomness... because we all know we're totally awesome... we're cornflakes :)

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