Sunday, November 16, 2008

my auntie is under the impression that she is haunted. she was telling me today that she was driving in her car, and she heard this very loud buzzing noise. you know how people have remotes for their garage doors??? well hers was on her dashboard, and it was buzzing and vibrating like crazy, and then aparently it flew into the back seat, buzzing like a wasp, and then as it hit the seat, it lay still.....

creepy stuff!!!

and she swears she keeps hearing her phone ringing when she's in the shower or other completely random places. ooooh, haunted aunty!

of course this could of course justbe some sort of histeria. like today at work for example. so many people came in and ordered inceadibly stupid things without meaning to. some lady asked for a pancake wrap for breakfast, another person asked if we sold any quarter burgers, and someone else wanted a "double ultimate super whopper thingo. you know, the one that comes with fries and a drink" but my personal favourite was from a rather pretty lady asking for a Mcwhopper meal. when she ordered that, pretty much everybody working at the time just turned around, walked into the crew room, and burst out laughing. it was quite hilarious.

anyway, back to my point, i think it could just be some sort of mass histeria. or maybe my auntie simply hasnt been taking her sanity pills lately. but i have myself noticed some rather strange things happening lately, such as things moving around the house and misteriously dissapearing. about two months ago, one morning i woke up, and as i always do when i wake up, i opened my eyes. and every morning when i wake up and open my eyes, i look out my bedroom door (you know, to see if any escaped mass murderers are skulking around outside waiting to kill me when im still asleep. man i wish i was joking about that, but thats honestly the reason i do, along with being suspicious that ghosts are watching my dreams as i sleep). anyway, this particular morning when i opened my eyes and looked out my door, i saw what looked like my little sister running past my door. only she was wearing a white dress, i didnt get a good glimpse at her face, and she was kinda blurred. you when you've had your eyes closed for ages and you open them and see something moving and it looks blurred cause your eyes have been shut??? well it was kinda like that.

anyway, i got up and i walked to my door to see what the hell my 7 year old sister was doing running around the house at (glances at clock) 6 am! so i got to the door, looked around it, and i didnt see anyone. then i looked into my sisters room (wich is next to mine), and she was fast asleep in her bed. later when she woke up i asked her if she had been running around the house at 6 am, to which she looked at me in the way little kids do when they think your going crazy, and said no, i was asleep silly.

i like to believe it was something paranormal, but probably i was just hallucinating or still dreaming or something.

but a few weeks later my other sister (who i care for a great deal less than my little one) came out one night after my little sister had gone to bed and said that she had seen her running around up the corridor. we went to her room, and of course she was fast asleep, and she became very grumpy when we awoke her to question her about wether or not she had been running up and down the corridor.

so maybe my family is haunted after all. SHWEEEEET!!! i always wondered what it would be like to be haunted. lol this is going to be fun. now all i have to do is wait till blood starts pouring from the walls and mysterious voices start telling me to kill. well, mysterious voices that dont originate in my head.


Bilby P. Dalgyte said...

Hey here's an idea...

...put titles for blogs...

Viola said...

maybe there has been an infestation of ghosts or something coz i seriously do think that my bathroom is haunted. i swear that there is a ghost who is so bored and perverted that it will come to watch me shower. it is vair creepy espec. at night. after my shower the tap drips a lot- is that to do with ghosts or plumbing- im not sure...oh well hopefully the ghost has no camera:)