Friday, November 14, 2008

My hard earnt dollar :)

Well OK! I'd like to start off by saying woo! Thankyou to all the current authors on this blog who have all posted their first blogs :P (On this blog of course, Brooklyn has her own blog) I have enjoyed reading them all and even if they are about nothing: that's sorta the point... so yeah. Woo! A special shoutout to the self-entitled Cornflake, Socialist and Psychopath of this blog and I just want to say you are all awesome :) Even if your blogs seem to revolve around self-deprecation...

Anyhoo, I'm not sure what I should do now... because I have two blogs... both of which are pretty much the same only one has my friends writing their blogs in it too... so which entries do I decide to enter into which things? Well I don't know... And some of my blogs are really long so might make other bloggers feel insignificant (hehehehe... you feel little :P) oh well...

MATHS! We all hate it (Everyone single one of us... even mathematicians... they are full of self-loathing and hatred for all mankind for thier opressive occupation makes them so) and quite frankly, being the weird person I am, I've decided that because the four maths lessons I have a week (well not anymore, school is over!) are very boring I need to make them a lot more interesting by doing strange things... like asking the teacher strange things, writing/ strange things on my tests and generally being odd. My maths teacher has often commented on how the class with me in it was the most interesting and "special" classes she's ever had... (And I choose to take her carefully picked euphemisms as compliments!)

Well last week my friend was just sitting there... not doing work as always and I go "Hey... let's see which one of us can hug the teacher (having her willingly hug us back) first before exams" and I bet him a dollar (because you see... I've had some bad troubles with betting more money and losing it... curse you attractive french foreign exchange students! I don't speak the language of your mind or your soul! Hence I now dislike camels...) and he eventually gives in after I bugged him for about a few minutes and it was on! See who can hug the teacher within the week we had left of school. My tactic: Flirting....

.... Yeah... I flirted with a middle-aged maths teacher (She is a girl by the way.... and has a very slim figure... Like a bulemic) for the entire lesson... I kept mentioning how good she was at teaching and smart she was for answering problems and even asked her how her day was ect... OK it was kinda toned down flirting (Yeah those out there who have been blessed by my flirtatious ways know that this is in fact not very flirty for me... but I mean... she's old and my teacher there are some things you don't say to your teacher... no matter what measely amount of money you might be getting for throwing away whatever scrap of dignity you've been trying so hard to achieve... yeah I think it's toned down but my friend next to me goes "are you trying to hug her or sleep with her?" which is so funny and you're an idiot and I hate you...) but at the very end of the day we're all out of our seats and near the whiteboard and the teacher says "goodbye, have a nice weekend" and I pat her on the shoulder and go "You too" and then hold out my arms awaiting a hug......

..... and wait....

.... Get a strange look.... she shakes her head and goes "Uh... no thanks. I'm not allowed"


... No one rejects my hugs! People ask for my hugs! Why!? Why!? Grr... oh well, I got laughed at by my friend who found it absolutely hilarious I was rejected and I said "Yeah but it was to see which one of us could do it first. Therefore you don't get the money and I don't lose it...." and we walked off.

One Week Later... (Today...)

We had been playing games all lesson. OK there's a game where there's a single line and underneath there's two lines then underneath four then 6 as so:

OK I sure hope that comes out the way I want it to... well you see the aim of the game is to make your opponent to cross out the last line. Now you can cross out as many as you wont but you cant go over ones that are already crossed out and you can only cross out lines in the same row (straight lines, no diagonal or wavy ones that transcend rows) and basically my Physics teacher had been playing this with the entire class for half the lesson and no one beat him and during lunch I asked him what the strategy was and I all of a sudden learnt more methods of winning than just getting it so once cross X amount of lines out there are only 3 individual lines left (therefore your opponent crosses out one, you cross out one, your opponent crosses out the last and loses) and basically the winning formula is try to make it so you have either 2 lots of 2 by themselves at the end of your turn (Nothing they can do can stop you from winning then if you know what to do. They cross out 2 you cross out one there's one left they lose. They cross out one you cross out 2 same tihng) or, have 2 lots of 1 and 2 lots of 2 by themselves... you see reverse what I just said and you'll find that they go into each other and you ultimately can discover who will win after just a few turns...
Well after about 40 games of that on the board and winning 21 of them against 3 different people (Screw you! F:15 Me: 21 T: 5 J: 0... hahaha!) and playing celebrities heads (OK after a while I discovered I was American, dead, and a politician... OK that helps me just so much! And my friend kept saying "John Welkins" or something similar and so I guess that and it's wrong... turns out after determining I wasn't George Washington or Teddy Roosevelt or JFK ect ect - seeing how there are 44 presidents, most of which are dead I'm kinda screwed- that "John Welkins" was a clue to where the person died... guessed yet? I didn't... I had to be told at the end of the lesson Grampa Simpson was named after me... Abraham Lincoln!) it was the end of the lesson and so the teacher says goodbye to us all and that we've been a wonderful class to teach and it's been fun ect and I go "Thankyou. You are a wonderful teacher" and hold out my arms and she shrugs and hugs me....
... and instantly my voice goes 2 octaves higher. "YEAH! HAHAHA! Did you see that!?" I turn to see that neither of my friends who were aware of the challenge had seen me hug the teacher and they go what? "I HUGGED THE TEACHER!" (OK I realised now that my entire class heard me say that.... ok that's... embarrassing... eh... won't have to see them until next year most likely unless I see them at exams) and I'm like "where's my dollar!?" and my friend doesn't want to pay up so he literally bolts out of the door and I chase after him and I eventually corner him near the english block on the other side of the school and I'm telling someone about the challenge I had with him (I'm running, friend goes into a door and other guy just holds out his hand and grabs my shirt and I stop... how that works I don't know considering I'm twice his size... or maybe more... seriously that guy is so skinny!) and my friend keeps looking out the door and sees I'm still there standing and waiting and he eventually gives in and reaches into his wallet and gives me his dollar...
... :) I earnt that dollar... through methods bordering on prostitution.... :) I broke the law by hugging my teacher (Help! The teachers are sexually harrassing me.... willingly...) and I am proud of myself now :P
... I can finally sleep now....
OK now that dollar is worth so very little because of the recession but oh well! I earnt it!

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