Wednesday, November 12, 2008

From the Socialist....

Hey lucky people, check it out! Using a computer successfully! This is quite amazing.....
I feel like I’m obligated to write stuff, and I want to write stuff but I already had a big rant on my/not my blog and I’m tired and I need to study and I have a lovely but very annoying friend on the phone telling me all the different ways in which I can improve my life. Most involving strange things in faraway places with weird people I haven’t met, or at least don’t know well, and I just realised how weird that sounded for people with a dirty mind.......but you don’t have a dirty mind, right? You have no idea how my simple words could be misunderstood, yes? Good innocent and ignorant reader.....If not, you disgusting pervert! People hate you and when you die will dance on your grave. Ok, slight over exaggeration, I’m sure you’re not that bad.......
However people with dirty, creepy and just plain psycho minds are far more fun to be around. I’m crazy and disturbed. And pretty evil. For example, while cleaning out my wardrobe I found an old t-shirt of my brother’s that said:
This refers to a man who was largely responsible for the deaths of roughly 11 million people and I laughed almost all afternoon. See what a horrible person I am? Unless you laughed too, then I don’t feel so bad. This is also on top of the fact that I am largely paranoid. Recently I have convinced myself that limos are evil and my lovely L on the other end of the phone has just asked me how I intend to get to ball next year if I refuse to ride in the most terrible of vehicles. Valid point but that’s a long time away and unless anyone I know dies soon I won’t have to worry about travelling in evil on four wheels.
I promise all this has a point- and that point is........
Bilby and cornflakes do you seriously want me blogging with you? I’m far too cynical and my mind is too twisted. Next thing you know I will be complaining about how corrupt the American political system is (how can they call themselves a democracy, they’re all completely corrupt! Capitalism is evil and there is a secret fundamentalist Christian society that tries to manipulate and control the world) and start with the communist propaganda (ok, I’m not hard-core red but you have to understand why people believe it’s a valid system of government- it offers a solution to exploitation and a chance at freedom and equality. I just think maybe people took Marx’s philosophical arguments a little too literally and went about revolution the wrong way. Revisionism is your friend, unless you live in a society corrupt with capitalism- the ultimate form of exploitation and alienation). For someone who had no idea what to say, I seem to be unable to shut up........... plus guys, ASIO probably is spying on us and working in conjunction with the CIA or FBI (both corrupt), and I’ve just got us all black-listed for my little communism-rules-and-American-government-sucks rant so to ensure your own personal safety it may be better to ban me from the blog and pretend you don’t know me for awhile. But I know you won’t do that because you both love me too much, right? Guys? Ummmm......... am I right in saying you love me? I’m right in saying you love me, yes? Guys?


Bilby P. Dalgyte said...

This blog...

... is exactly the reason why you were invited to become an author :D

Also, oh good, my dirtyness makes me fun to be around :D (except for today? I feel so bad!)

Also, yes feel free to complain about America... but just one thing: DON'T DIS CHRISTIANS! (I have admin powers I can edit whatever you say...) Phooey to ur insane paranoid delusions that fundamentalist christians run anything... no one cares what we christians have to say! (And ASIO doesn't care what you have to say so say it anyway :))

no... no i don't love you...

the thing that should not be said...

yes you are right in saying we love you. haha, awsome blog. and i found your other blog thingy to! man i have to meet L, she sounds so cool.

and i disagree with bilby p. dalgyte: rag on the christians all you want: he wouldnt dare change anything you wrote. his mind would explode.