Tuesday, April 7, 2009

eternal darkness

hmmm its been a while since i posted anything. cant really think of anything interesting to post... but i thought i'd better post something, cause it's also been ages since anyone else posted anything at all, let alone anything interesting.

joking guys, i care about what u all have to say. or do i???.....

i have been on a constant sugar high since saturda at about 1 am. sym's after ball. we sat around eating candy and chocolate for several hours. twas awsome. then we went to bed around 4-5am, and when we got up we ate more. then i had icecream for dinner. sunday the lions fair was across the road. bought showbags, split the candy, and we sat eating for fucking ages. i was trembling by the end of it. yesterday, monday, i had a v, a rockstar, a red eye, a giant v can, and some wizz fizz. thats all i ate all day. today i had 3 mothers, 2 wizz fizz and a sip of travis's red eye. oh and some chocolate from gracey.

so yea, iv been hyper for 4 days now. do any of you have any idea how tired i am??? im exhausted. literally the only thing keeping me going is more sugar and energy drink. i cant let my high dissapear. il crash and die!

eternal darkness is the best game ever. im not that big a video game guy, but man, eternal darkness really amazed me. most of the game is this girl reading this book called the tome of eternal darkness, and basically you play through history as people who have interacted with the tome, and most died terribly. the first guy you see, pious, is basically corrupted by whats called an ancient, wich is basically a god-like creature trapped in an alternate time and space. there are 3 ancients, and the game revolves around pious trying to release his ancient and destroy the universe. but what really makes this game stand out is that your character can actually go insane over time. you have a sanity meter, and the more freaky shit jumps out at you, the lower it goes. when it starts dropping really low, you start hallucinating and freaking out.

at first, the camera will start to tilt and lean, you'll hear screaming and crying in the background, flies crwal on the inside of the screen, and any pictures that hang on the walls will warp when you walk past and become nightmarish landscapes. but thats only the onset of insanity. when you really go crazy, weird and freaky shit happens.

one time, i walked into a room, and my character was surrounded by zombies. i tried to run away, but the screen kept flashing "please plug in your controller", and i was freaking out going it is in dammit! and this circle of zombies was closing in slowly, and then my character got eaten. then it turned out it was all a hallucination. anotehr time my character pulled off his head and started reciting shakespear. once a girl i was playing as walked into a room and actually exploded, then re-formed.

but the worst ones are the ones that mess with YOU, not your character. i went to save my game, and i clicked yes, when the screen came up with are you sure you want to erase all your save files? i clicked no. the screen said you have succesfully erased all your save files. i was like NOOOOOOOOOOO! turned out it was a hallucination. another time the blue screen of death came up and covered my tv. and yet again, i reached the end of a level, and a screen came up saying 'thank you for playing the eternal darkness trailor".

man, the lengths that people go to just to fuck with my mind. its one of those games you actually feel physically and mentally tired from playing, like it affects you that much. theres just so much thought provoking plot and speech, plus you have to constantly question wether anything your doing is actually real or just a crazy daze. it fucks with you. and some parts are genuinly scary, like when you walk into the bathroom only to see yourself dead in a bathtub of blood. then the dead body jumps at the screen screaming. and even some of the human characters try to kill you. some of them have these parasitic demon things in them that control them, and some missions you have to try and figure out who of your friends is a human and who is a demon. then you gotta kill the demons. but fuck up, and everybody turns against you.

then theres the constant booby traps everwhere, the demons who can actually transport you to another dimmention, the dead skinless angels who have scorpion tails, the two torso's fuzed together with no head or arms that can summon any creature in the game, the undead sombies that scream and explode, the mummies who if you cut there arms off, it actually makes them more dangerous, the demon bugs with floating lights for heads and knives for arms, the giant hulk things with 3 heads, the......THING that has a floating symbol for a head and 9 arms but no torso or legs, the skeleton roman catholic guy, and of course the various in-animate objects that come to life and try to impale you. but then theres the ancients master...... its a purple, giant blob with hundreds of tentacles, dozens of eyes, and a hundred mouths, spread across the floor like a puddle.

then theres the ancients themselves: chaturga, the giant red crab/scorpion/lobster demon. xelotah, the green eye stalk on a snakes body with 5 arms, and urlgih.....uryughu......whatever the fuck its called. its a floating, blue jellyfish thing. with claws. and organs. and so many STINGERS..........

anyway, if your interested in a mind fuck and one wicked thrill ride, i strongly recomend getting it. wow, a whole blog on a video game. thats a new low for me. but unfortunately i have to go now. i need more sugar. im starting to come down.


Bilby P. Dalgyte said...

Wow that sounds like a seriously trippy and incredibly incredibly AWESOME game!

No one blogs but us two anymore...

Rayne said...

woahhh:) you sound nearly as nerdy as me:P
haha that game sounds fun...will never play it though since i have wayy to many things messing with my head already :P
ohh god my mum came home :( i want to put her back on the plane she came in:|
p.s if bilby actualy called you that time, you have my appoligies :D

Rayne said...

haha what a confusing/amusing comment :)
he said nothing bad, which indicates it was a lie:P

sam-ham said...

hey, I blogged now! :P

that game sounds cool. Reminds me of House Of Leaves. Now that book messed with my mind. Badly.
Hopefully you've recovered from your sugar high now.