Monday, March 30, 2009

Reality Wins

Noooo!!! Noooo!!! I wanted my fluffy invisible pink unicorn dammit! Yes, well you see, reality wins again. The most recent quiz for this blog was "What's more awesome?" with the answers of Edward Cullen, Edward Cullen, Jacob Black, Edward Cullen and REALITY! (FFS) and Edward Cullen quite surprisingly got only 1 vote (awww. Maybe you should be even more shiny next time.) whereas Jacob Black got a whopping 5 votes (4 of those were just TTTSNB voting again and again because Reality was winning) so he was quite popular for a fictional character...

But! Reality prevailed! Reality wins people! Hahahahaha! Suckers! You're all going to have to face the fact that you are not a mythical beast that never wears a shirt and has seriously malformed ideas of relationships. *Thumbs up* I'm sorry... I know it's disapointing... I don't like reality either... it'd be so much more fun if we all had superpowers and believed in truth, justice, and the American Way!

Reality has won... let us mourn the death of absurdity and imagination...

RIP. We'll miss you...

P.S. NEW BLOG! (Also, I appear to keep thinking there's a pen behind my ear when there's not... phantom pen!) Yeah I've said that before and it turned out to be THIS Blog but no! This time it's different! This time I'm the only one posting entries in it (so it's just like Window) only it's completely fictional and is all about a fictional set of characters and the world (Earth, the world isn't fictional just the people) they live in. Weird things happen it's pretty awesome. The entries are going to be scripts, stories, or character bios and are done in parts so there will be a lot longer stories than my youtube channel. It's called The Universe of Bilby and as of this point doesn't have much too it besides and introduction and Part 1 of "The Holiday" (an ongoing piece of work) but if you like my youtube channel then you'll enjoy it... if you don't then... phooey to you. Oh well. Have a nice day.

1 comment:

sam-ham said...

Pfft, Twilight. Bleh.

That is all I have to say.