Saturday, March 21, 2009

happy birthday bilby

happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear bilby, happy birthday tooooooooooo YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOU!!! those who know me can play my out of tune rendition of "happy birthday" that i've been singing to them for about four years now. 

wow... 710. that's a big number. and a fuck load of candles (no!! my brilliant plan, thought of by someone else as well, making it not so brilliant after all! well, maybe it was brilliant but now it's definitely not original!). though i must say, i'm a bit freaked that they were able to buy them in bulk. how many other multiple century old vampires are running around perth??

getting  a bit off topic - i had 3 cups of coffee to keep me awake during work today. is it showing yet? huh? HUH?! - but back to the point - today is a very special day for a very special individual.

you effortlessly bring laughter and smiles to those around you (even when they have excruciating stomach pains and they ask you not to make them laugh) and are always prepared with a gay boyfriend hug or a comfort shoulder rub in a platonic love way.

happy birthday to someone who brightens up every day and deserves all the best for his 710st year


p.s. i read your present before i wrapped it. hope that's ok

1 comment:

Bilby P. Dalgyte said...

hahaha! Yes that's perfectly fine you read my present before wrapping :D It saves me from having to let you borrow it :P

TODAY WAS THE BEST BIRTHDAY EVER!!!! XD It was so much fun! 5 hours with Lorna! (She got me a cake! With only 14 candles on it! :P)

Well if it makes you feel any better you were the first one to come up with the buying all of the candles idea... they just beat you too it :P

lol. thankyou so very very much for this :D There's onyl 2 hours left of my birthday and it just keeps getting better and better :D THANKYOU! WOO! you rock! (like a very large boulder! only with LEGS! :P) this 710th year wouldn't nearly be as fun if it weren't for you cornflake :D thankyou.

woo! Platonic gay boyfriend away! :P do do da do da do!