Friday, April 17, 2009

Turn the bass up! :D

I just watched some of my friends in their band for a few hours. EPIC LOLAGE. At one point Chippy (who plays his bass so loud that all you could hear was things vibrating (haha... vibrating)) decides to place his amp so that it's laying on the floor, trying to make a hat float on it while he played. It was a bit too heavy though, but it did move around. Then there was the thing with the chickens eating chocolate (chickens = EVIL.)

And the guys (mainly Chippy) were sitting on the amps while playing, and so apparently they're becoming sterile.

It was pretty cool. They never really did much though, other than talk about movies, random stuff, randomly pick up a guitar and play, talk about history (Chippy and I were discussing why the Nazis aren't, or are, Communist.), eat stuff, drink stuff.... argue about various things.

Also there were many many many sexual connotated jokes. Although possibly the most disturbing one was:
"Go die in a hole."
"I'll go die in your hole!"

and then the one about belts and small holes vs. big holes.

I learnt a lot of things. They know a lot about guitars and music.

Although I must admit that I don't entirely agree with some of their views on music. (Screamo is NOT easy to understand.)

One of the funniest things was watching Chippy like cry when he had a guitar taken off him. And then when I sat on him. But I supplied him with Doritos and threw chocolate at him, and he fetched me cans of Solo. So we had it all worked out in the end.

So really they probably shouldn't turn the bass up. But it was loud, and that was cool.

Other things have been good to. Actually, better than good. Like, AMAZING. I had two unexpected phone calls yesterday and they were both... well one of them in particular left me smiling... for a very long time... Even still I smile :D
And the other was trippy. I'd just been thinking of my great grandfather, and then he rang!

So once I get school under control, things will be goooood! :D


Bilby P. Dalgyte said...

Oh and she succeeded! Not a mention of me (so you're not addicted to me after all :P aww damn. I must now take this oppurtunity to remind TTTSNB that I CAN hurt him and to not read my comments!)

Which hole? Well some people are into that sort of thing... very... sick people...

Woo for the phone! *eyes phone* it's ever so unexpectantly LOUD. I sometimes jump when the thing goes off... it's right next to me dammit! And it RINGS loudly! :'(

Rayne said...

ahh bilby....therepy might help you...and somehow i dont think you could hurt TTTSNB...though it would b amusing to watch you try (:

i love phone calls. infact i love them so much that i went $140 over my cap last month cause i called people so often...hahaha(:


Bilby P. Dalgyte said...

Um... you HAVE seen him right? Because I am a pacifist by nature doesn't mean my bicpes aren't a lot larger than his...

Strangely you're not the first person to suggest that a fight between us two would be amusing. Maybe we're destined to fight? I don't think h'es ever hurt me but I remember hurting him a few times though... I dont need to punch him I can "accidentaly" step on his foot :P

the thing that should not be said...

bilby, if we did have a fight, you wouldnt stand a chance. the only danger of me losing would be if i punched you in the stomach and your stomach tried to swallow my hand :P

but in all seriousness, you fight like a lunatic. theres no style or technique or anything visibly resembling proper fighting going on. you just run and punch aimlessly. you dont even keep your guard up or adopt a proper fighting stance.

but i would only fight back if you really pissed me off or something. my only law is that i only fight to protect others from harm, or to protect my pride and honour. and yes, i do believe in the concepts of pride and honour. a fighter withought honour is one without a soul, and a fighter withought pride is simply stupid.

no way you could take me, in all seriousness.

Bilby P. Dalgyte said...

Just cause my punches dont hurt da blob (Shane). I can so fight with proper order and technique just I ignore it when I'm angry as hell and desperately need to hurt someone QUICKLY.

Well good luck defending your pride while you mock mine :) Hey Sam-ham aren't you just SO GLAD you're getting a lot of comments on your blog tha have NOTHING to do with it? Woo for irrelevant and pointless arguements about theorectical fights that won't ever happen... (Because the paper clip cookie has forbidden it! Grr)

sam-ham said...

woohoo! comments. who cares what they're about.