Friday, April 24, 2009

reflections of a mirror voyer

i have developed a recent fascination with mirrors. cant say why, just suddenly gotten really fascinated and intrigued by them. it sounds so simple really, a piece of reflective glass with polished metal behind it. i guess what really gets me is the reflective property. reflection is one of the few things i admire about being human. what other animal can stop and reflect over the choices and actions they have commited??? possibly monkeys, but only cause their awsome. if only they had wings and a flamethrower...........

there are so many reflective surfaces in our everyday life. i find this amusing. i mean, are we really that consumed by our vanity so as we need to keep constantly checking ourselves??? next time your out, look around at anything reflective, see how many you find. mirrors, shop windows, car mirrors, puddles of water, metallic surfaces, peoples glasses, door knobs....ect.

when we look in a mirror we are obviously checking our reflection. seeing how good we look at the time. fixing up our hair. putting on make up. everyday bullshit. but what if its not just your looks that a mirror reflects??? a depressed person might look into a mirror and see dirty marks and storm clouds behind them. a really happy person might see the world as bright and sunny with everyone behind them smiling. a lonely person would see everyone except themselves, a narcisist would see only themselves, and a paranoid schizophrenic would see everyone giving them a wide berth and shooting them funny looks. my theory is that a mirror reflects what we want it to reflect above all else. if what we want to see is a face full of flaws, then we will see it. we want to see sunlight, we get it. storm clouds, no problem. its actually how our mind works, that we focus on what we want and tend to stretch things out of proportion to make it seem like what we want to see.

whenever i am feeling in a particularly reflective mood, i sit in front of a mirror. just me and my reflection. hmm, good looking guy:P contemplation and reflection are always helped out by an image/reflection of the reflecting person. i have been doing a lot of reflection lately. my life is kinda torn in about 3 seperate directions at the moment, and i need to look back to the choices that have lead me to this point. and a mirror helps. sometimes its like i can see the past being reflected from my mind, into the mirror. and i watch it, and i can think a little clearer.

and it was on one of these occasions not so long ago that i had a brainwave. not really actually, it was ridiculously simple to figure out, im just an idiot. a mirror's reflection is pure and simply an image, but because the reflection is transmitted through your eyes to your brain, the brain has, to a certain extent, the ability to distort the image. it interupts some of the really minor electrical impulses, and outputs some of its own in return. how you see your reflection is a measure of how you are thinking, feeling and acting at the moment. its so idiotic and beatiful in its simplicity. the key to a reflection is your mind. the mirror and reflected object do help, but the determining factor is always your own mind. it also backs up the saying that the eyes are a window to the soul, as it is through your eyes taht the image is transmitted to your brain, and some would argue the soul has a great deal to do with how you feel and think. so a mirror by itself is really just glass and silver. with a mind to show its image to, it becomes a window.


Bilby P. Dalgyte said...

This all makes complete and perfect sense...

People should not be allowed to judge their own appearance. We all seem to get it wrong... the beautiful but sad think they're ugly and the narcisists are... vain and retarded. We both know all too well just how unbelievably absurd people can stretch their ideas of their reflections... I swear some people are so deluded into hating what they look like to the point where it seems like they're practically hallucinating. *sigh* The world is delusional. It's always been and always will and people need to wake up and realise what is THERE not what they WANT to be there...

I see skin, I see eyes, I see hair... I see a face that looks back at me and I see what I think a human being looks like. I am content that I am human and not so deformed that I would be shunned :) So hoorah for that! We're all human and if we can accept what other people look like (who look HUMAN) then we should be able to accept our own appearance because we're not as different as you'd think. You look at a room full of monkies and can't tell one from the other... but a zoologist who has lived with them for over a decade can tell them apart. We are like monkies who have just got used to noticing the very very minute differences in our faces... slightest change in ur look makes a major difference.

So yeah... I agree with you that it reflects not only an image but the mind also chooses how it sees it and warps it :)

Rayne said...

agreeeeed :D
hahaha you mean that the fact you watched the movie 'mirrors' a couple of nights ago has nothing to do with this new fascination with themmm??? hhahahah :)
im soo meAN :D :P