Wednesday, January 28, 2009

cornflake's third blog - attempt one

1,200,000 people worldwide were diagnosed with cancer last year. over 100,000 cases are/were australians. it is the leading cause of death in australia, with 37,500 patients succumbing every year.3 australian children die of cancer each week. 1 in 3 men and 1 in 4 women over 75 will develop a form of cancer. 82,000 australians will be diagnosed this year.

on march 28th and 29th this year, the relay for life is being held at perry lakes stadium. there are 8 further relays around w.a. throughout the year and in all the states and territories.

it's a 24 hour relay beginning at 3pm on the saturday afternoon and finishing on the sunday. the participants are in teams of family, friends, work colleagues, school peers or neighbourhoods. some dress up, some treat it solemnly, everyone does their part. it's a fundraiser for the cancer council, who provide care for cancer patients and their families, research into a cure and support canteen, an organisation for young people directly affected by cancer.

it's short notice, but it truly is a worthy cause. if you can put a team together and raise some money, please do. if you can't, please find a friend who is taking part and make a donation. every australian will be affected by cancer at some point in their life, through a family member or friend.

see you there.

for information, visit

and just to end on a happy note, in the last 20 years, survival rates for selected cancers have increased by 30%

1 comment:

Bilby P. Dalgyte said...

woot :) %30.

Death to cancer.