Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Reasons Not To Let Me Get Bored:

I have already demonstrated some reasons why I should not get bored through this blog.

Reason #1: New Song Lyrics.
I will randomly change song lyrics, replacing words with other random ones. No disrespect meant to the artists. But I find it entertaining, for a short time.

Reason #2: Sock Puppets.
My sock puppets = fail. One time... when I tried to sew button eyes on one... Yes I could not sew on buttons. At all. But if I get bored enough, I make sock puppets. And I have a LOT of socks at my disposal.

Reason #3: Cooking.
One time my friend and I made pancakes. But, we dyed them blue, put sprinkles, marshmallows, those little silver ball things, and a bunch of other stuff, into them.

And ate them.

Reason #4: Cleaning.
Okay so cleaning isn't a bad thing. But the only thing is that I don't just clean. I really clean, and move furniture and organize books by author and genre... It can take days to finish.

Reason #5: Creativeness.
Biliby remembers that time at the Media thingo when we recreated The War Of The Worlds with mini quishes and straws. I'm surprised they didn't lock me up when I did that. But I love The War Of The Worlds. And recreating it with various foods.

Reason #6: Reading.
I love reading. And when I start reading... I can read for days on end. Which isn't good when I have things to do.

Reason #7: Clothes.
When I get bored I change my clothes constantly, working out new combinations etc. One time I wore my ball dress for hours on end, just to see how it looked different ways with different jewelry etc. And I spent most of those hours talking to people on msn. In my ball dress. The ball is under 3 months away.

Reason #8: MySpace.
Okay so yes I used to despise MySpace. I still do! Only I need it, to keep in touch with people. And so I can touch people. Okay! Inappropriate comment :P. I'm kidding. But lots of people have left the school and I can't talk to them any other way.
And then I read bulletins.
And then I get depressed because I learn things I don't want to know.

Reason #9: Loudness.
I am very loud. Especially when I laugh. And when I talk with a British accent. And when I get bored and people are around, I talk a lot. Loudly. Especially on busses. Like that time I pretended to be a customer at my friends work on the bus... That was funny. And the time I rambled on about limo sized busses and bus sized limos, and polka dotted purple bus-limos and limo-busses...

Reason #10: Random conversations.
Like the one tonight with Bilby :P
an excerpt:

say that penguins r better than chickens!
no they aren't!
dammit! penguins r awesoem!
i mean... chickens r awesome!
no you aren't!
im not awesome?
i dont care anyway... i can live without it
frangipani teapot?
NO! what? huh?
chiken snowflake rubber tennis bat then?
why r u saying random things!?
only a fluoro purple cucumber bath would find me saying ginger lava coffee with a side of banana duck as random
are you a fluoro purple cucumber bath?!
no im orange
get off this planet you traitor!
can we get back to being coherent?
*fires bubble cannon*
phooey to u then
what did yo say about my mama?!
i said shes a good cook!

Before that bit I had been arguing with him about everything and he was trying to make me say things but I found ways around it :P
Of course there were numerous emoticons used in that conversation that didn't copy across.
The only reason I was spouting random things was to see how much I could confuse him. I was bored. Also tired.

Reason #11: Random Blog entries.
Like this one!
I feel bad when I post one so close to when someone else does. So to whomever reads this, yes, YOU there, go read and comment the other ones below mine if you haven't already :)
only if you want to though...


Bilby P. Dalgyte said...

To anyone reading my comment: she made the tripod quiches with straws, some napkins were involved, there was lots of mess and then she proceeded to clean...

... as in CLEAN... it's not enough to get rid of the mess but have to wipe down the table too.

Yeah and not much before that weird conversation I asked her if she was tired... that was about when everything went to hell and she stopped speaking english...

Hey I'm still feeling bad that so many entries have been added so close to cornflakes only surviving blog entry... and that was last year...

everyone go read cornflakes very depressing singular blog entry! :(

I also said ur mother looks good for 45! Evne though she's 36! :P (embarrasing moment....)

Mary Sue said...

hehehe, sam, you should be a newspaper columnist :p. I like your reasons...though number four was strange...and number ten FANTASTIC...