Monday, January 19, 2009


You know those sort of things that you hear about and just instantly get really interested in for no particular reason? Yeah...

Watchmen. I has it. What is it? Well it be a comic book. It is also a movie coming out in March but I don't have that... yet.

OK that was rather undramatic. No but really it's very interesting! It is for me! OK, last year around... Novemberish I see this little video box on msn's homepage that turned out to be a trailer for this upcoming comicbook adaption movie called Watchmen. It. Looked. Awesome. It also was completely non-explanatory in the highest but who cares? THERE WAS EXPLOSIONS AND STUFF! Looked up information about it and the original comic which was published in 1986 and I instantly decided "I want to read this." It had high praise it had an interesting idea and a very cool guy with a bag on his head that had a black pattern on it. (Rorschach. First person to call me up and tell me how to successfully pronounce that gets gold. Mountains of gold.) Only thing was when I got to the library people had bloody ordered it for themselves! I'd have to wait in a cue to get the book! Agh! I don't want to wait in line for a book that's soon to become a smash-hit movie it'll probably take a long time! I'm lazy so I gave up...

... December. Talking to Lorna about what she's planning on getting me for Christmas. Around the time I started guessing strange things like "Cardboard box" (But before I guessed "Bricks") I saw a guy reading Watchmen. Big smile and secret mild jealousy.

Guess what I did today!? I went to the library in search of The Dawkins Delusion (That's what you get for writing The God Delusion Dawkins! You get angry Christians telling you all the places you went wrong... hahaha! Oh I burst out laughing when I learnt about The Dawkins Delusion. Thought it was hilarious but let's not get into a discussion about religion because that's one of those topics that many people disagree completely on... and are wrong.) but unfortunately it was not there... Neither was anything by John Swartzwelder! WHY!? WHY!? John Swartzwelder is made of pure ownage! It wasn't that he just wasn't in the library but he just didn't EXIST ANYWHERE! Quite literally there was no mention of him in all of the Western Australian catalogues and so I have come to the conclusion that he hasn't even made much in the way mainstream success in America let alone been released in Australia... very sad (Bonus cookie points to whoever can point out who John Swartzwelder is and why he is awesome without looking him up on the internet!)

But I was deciding to randomly just type in "Watchmen" in again because I had seen big cardboard advertisements at the movies not too long ago and so was reminded of it's impending awesomeness.

It was there. It was in the exact Library I was in. It was available.

RUN! Or at least briskly walk to the young-adult section of the library before anyone else can get there! MY COMIC BOOK PEOPLE! MINE! When I got there I had discovered that the graphic novels section had grown and therefore had such a nice and large selection of comic books even including Hellsing 4 and Full Metal Alchemist 16!! AGH! Why must you be a constant source of torment by never having anything in series that is COMPLETE!? The only thing in the Library that is in a series that is complete is Akira (AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME! REALLY BAD MOVIE THOUGH....) I'm sure the increase of selection of graphic novels will be a great thing for me for the future when I'm bored but when you have to search through it all to find the one book you want it gets annoying. Come on Watchmen I know you're here where are you!?

I found it.


OK I rarely get very very excited over anything...

But I literally fell to the floor and clutched the book to my chest like I was passionately hugging a very small person and started rolling around on the floor going "YES! YES! I HAVE IT!" Yeah... Yeah I don't care that people saw me rolling around on the floor hugging a comic book... because I HAVE THE WATCHMEN! EERR! That's right, EEERRR!!! I love you Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons... Yes I was very very unbelievably excited and happy to finally have a chance to read this comic... hahaha I've taken a break from reading it to tell you all about this and how awesome it is...

It is awesome. It's beyond awesome it's awesowonderilliant! So far I'm enjoying it even more than V for Vendetta! (And we all know that it is beyond awesome that is :P Hail V and all his coolness and insanity! "Lady Justice you have cheated on me! No, don't apologise it's over between us!" *BOOM*) Yes, it be quite neat :) Rorschach be awesome he wants information off some guy so the guy walks into his apartment, goes to put something in the fridge and BAM! Rorschach jumps out and nearly breaks the guys' arm.

So I'm excited. I'm having fun reading it. It's quite awesome and I can't wait to see the movie. I sure hope other people can't wait to see the movie either because it would suck if I'm standing there only a few days (TOPS) after it's released and the cinema is empty because I'd be like ".... oh... aww...". But before then I'd be like "Woot. No line."

P.S. Was strange though it being kinda close to being released in cinemas and there's an avaible copy of the book in the library... normally when things are turned into movies everyone takes out the book half a year in advance and so there's a waiting list. I wanted to read The Da Vinci code before the movie came out... a month after it was no longer in cinemas it was finally in the library.

Anyhoo... I'm sure lots of people will want to go see this movie :) And I look forward to beating them up to get closer in line so I can get a better seat :D Screw you comic book nerds! I'm not gangly and skinny like you! Fear me for I can actually defend myself in a fight and don't have reading glasses!

Have a nice day :)


sam-ham said...

Rorschach? That's a test... I was wondering what your msn name was on about. But this explains it :)
Rorchach tests are mentioned in Flowers For Algernon, which we looked at in Lit, hence why I know how to pronounce it :P. So ha. I want my gold, even though I didn't call you... Hmm our library has the comics you are rambling on about. Oh Angels and Demons has been made into a movie too. I saw the preview for it when I saw Twilight (gah) and well I was just thinking of that then because you mentioned the Da Vinci Code. I've read the books but not seen the movies. Yet.
Anywho, that guy works on the Simpsons. Order in books from the USA perhaps?

Bilby P. Dalgyte said...

OMG Sam-ham you're made of awesome!

And yes if you saw Rorchasch's face you'll see why he's called Rorchasch... because his face is a symetrical Roarchach test ink blot.

You're not getting your gold until you call me. :P

sam-ham said...

yes, yes I am. I once was made of lobster and banana, but now made of awesome.

Thought so.
