Thursday, January 22, 2009

as i was sitting in the bathtub

tonight i was sitting in the bathtub reading. dont ask me why. random impulse. anyway after a bit i noticed something i have never noticed before. the tiles that make up the walls around my bathroom seem to have a completely random scrawl of colours on them. i was having a staring contest with one when i noticed something bizzare and kinda creepy: the patterns seemed to form in the shape of a face. i stared at it for quite some time. it stared back for quite some time. it wasnt exactly a life like rendition of a face, but everything was there: two eyes, distinct nose, round head, and most disturbingly a mouth that seemed to be open in a scream.

i thought this was rather scary. my wall was screaming silently at me. i thought to myself wow, this is weird and creepy. iv read a story before about a woman who had faces appear on her floor. but this wasnt something that had just appeared. the pattern had been there since we moved into the house, it was just now that i sat down and stared at it. anyway after a while i tried to ignore it and go back to my reading. but every three seconds i would look up to make sure the face was still there. oh, at the time i was reading a collection of short horror stories :P but its not like i was scared, i just thought it was really creepy. im not superstitious, but i dont disbelieve the possibility of supernatural stuff, in fact i think its kinda cool, so i thought maybe i should keep an eye on it in case it moves or dissapears or something. but as i watched it, i noticed something next to it: another figure of a face!

well, that was really weird. this face was more rough in outline and detail than the last one, but it was still screaming at me. i thought maybe i was really tired or hallucinating, so i got up and i started looking all around the walls. sure enough, almost every 4 tiles had a face on them. some were really detailed, and some werent. but most were screaming. i did manage to find one that was definately grinning, and several others that were smiling or smirking or frowning. by this stage i was sufficiently weirded out to want to go to sleep, but i thought i'd better tell everyone about it. i dunno, maybe its like with clouds, and looking at my wall a certain way while reading about scary stories put the image in my mind. i wonder if anyone else will manage to see the faces next time i feel like showing them??? i suspect they wont see the faces. no, my wall is much too clever for that: it knows i know its little secret, and it will strive to make me look crazy in front of everyone, before moving in for the kill, then unleashing its rein of terror across the universe! ooh, my bathroom wall is so evil and devious, but its evil is no match for my own!

everytime it tries to drive me insane, il simply ignore it and act as if nothing is happening. even when demons and wall tiles start wizzing around my house, il act as if nothing is out of the ordinary. then, when the wall loses its cool with me, it will go mad and try to kill me outright. thats when i strike with my sledge hammer and tear my wall to pieces!!! mwuhaha, i am so evil...

im tired. im going to bed. night all.


sam-ham said...

We had tiles in our old house that used to be like that. Only they were very big tiles so there were like whole scenes of things, not just faces. I used to sit and watch them for hours, coming up with stories in my mind. You situation sounds a lot creepier though.

cornflake said...

Yeah it's part of the human brain to make shapes out of random things and find patterns that may not necessarily be there. You can find faces nearly anywhere and if you think about it you'll try to find things that make it look more like what you want it to be. Other people could find the face but they might not see it in as much detail. I see faces on any random patch of carpet I look at sometimes.

Btw I'm at cornflake's house. She's playing guitar hero and I've stolen her laptop. She is still refusing to blog....


P.S. I'd love to visit your bathroom sometime... (OK that didn't sound creepy at all)

P.P.S Macs suck. Weird mousepad nothing works

Viola said...

at least your tiles are interesting. mine just have pictures of the same fish on each of them. i can see faces in nearly everything. but not dark blue tiles with a picture of a depressed looking fish on them. though i think my bathroom is haunted. whenever i shower i tell it to go away. im not sure if it does. its probably a guy ghost. i have tried to tell people that the ghost lives there but they just think im either crazy or joking. im not joking. i think its a friendly ghost because otherwise it might have killed me already.
you should try and find out if you have a ghost in your house. ithink they are quite common.

Bella x