Friday, July 17, 2009

my favourite anime characters.


1# Alucard (from Hellsing, and Hellsing Ultimate)

Alucard is a vampire, a very powerful one. He works for the protestant organization of Hellsing, where he helps hunt down other vampires, although to him his job is to basically serve Integra Hellsing.
What makes Alucard so special is his personality. He is always smirking about something, and a lot of what he is and what he does is very unknown. He is somewhat of a very sexxual being ( all vampires are extremely sexual in all the "decent" vampire adaptions), hearing it through his very voice. But in the most gravest situations he is always cool, and has the feel that he is just enjoying every second of the situation around him, from the stress and death of his allies armies around him to the vampire causing comotion charging at him ready to kill.
Because of his cool nature, his smooth talk, and his original physical appearance, his fluid like supernatural daemonic powers, he is almost like someone you would see in a psycadelic acid trip.
What enhances him even more so is the jazz fusion blues soundtrack of "Hellsing". The music represents this character and who he is and what he's doing soooo well.
I have yet to watch it, but "Hellsing Ultimate" apparently makes the change to orchestrial music, which i feel may lose the sense of style from the original anime.
Hellsing is not my favourite anime by far, the storyline was so straightforward and one dimensional, but the characters and the soundtrack made it, and if it wasn't for Alucard and his relationships with the other characters, you wouldn't really care for them, except for possibly the butler, he was epic.
He is my favourite anime character for simply just being such a great character, despite the fact belonging to a a fairly decent but nothing special (barr few aspects) anime. And with him, fueled by one of the best soundtracks, he takes the cake.
i would not be surprised if hollywood decide to make a movie of it, which i would absolutely love. I know hollywood farrks up a lot, but with a really good actor for Alucard playing him in every way he was portrayed in the anime, and a similiar soundtrack to the original anime, i feel that no real injustice could be made to it even if they were the only aspects left. But then again, Nazi vampires would be really cool, and would most likely be kept in it anyway (although they weren't in the original anime, but were in the remake "Hellsing Ultimate", based on the original manga which did have nazi vampires.).

2# L (from Death Note, and the movies Death Note, Death Note: the last name, and L change the world... and also the Hollywood movie in pre production).

Distinctive, unique characteristics for an anime character really help rise them above the rest. L, being the worlds best investigator, with his overall slackness in his general appearance and his odd posture and sitting positions really make him stand out. Also his monotonous voice, which jokes, makes sarcasm and is very outspoken. Never before has there really been a character like him. Many people go "but ooooooohh! I love Light, isn't he the greatest!?!", well, he's been done so many times. Light is sooo much similiar to the character Lelouch in Code Geass it isn't funny. Lights alter ego is Kira, Lelouch's is Zero, they both wish to make the world better through mass death, ect. ect.
So i think the power hungry anti hero, although i do like Light as a character, is a bit over rated to some people, if they really aren't that different from the others.
But back to L, his overall mind farrrk games with everyone are just tooo awesome. I was expecting something substantial from him at the end, i didn't want him to SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER. and i thought that what happened was false and that at the end he would come out and SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER, and that Near wasn't the big deal, the one to SPOILER SPOILER, coz i farrking hated Near.

anyway L rocks.


1# Lust (from Full Metal Alchemist).

Once an Ishvalan woman, her physical form came back to life through the human transmutation attempted by her grieving lover.
She, not having a soul, was deemed a homonculus and then put to work with other homonculi, fueling talk throughout history of the philosophers stone so they can claim it and regain there souls, thus making them completely human.
But she starts to remember snippets of her previous life, and deeply goes into thought, and eventually begins to help Edward and Alphonse Elric.
Her character is the embodiment of tragedy in this series, and she is probably, for someone who doesn't have a soul, one of the more emotional characters.
Through what humanity and grief she has in her, she questions herself and her masters.
As a homonculi she has the power to extend her fingers into razorsharp blades.
Also, a fun fact, there are seven homonculi.
One called Wrath.
One called Pride.
One called Gluttony.
One called Envy.
One called Sloth.
One called Greed.
And then her, Lust. :)
LOL, Seven deadly sins. ^-^
that was just an awesome detail. although i would call all of them part of the human condition and the more self satisfying, selfish aspects of who we are. oh i can make a blog about that ^-^, but i'm not going to.
I just see the seven deadly sins as an exageration of what our aspects are that don't satisfy anyone but ourselves and that christianity has to turn into something metaphysical and symbolic but in a narrow-minded childish way, like they do with everything, just so the uneducated or stupid masses can just suck up there bullshiet easier.
i must say though that i don't embrace these sins, and i do think them wrong, because i am far from a selfish person. i just accept them as a part of how we can think and react sometimes, basically the imperfections in humanity, what make us human basically. and the fact that christianity contradicts these rules, there own rules. but i can't be farrked going further into that frankly.

oh farrrk i've rambled. sorry ^-^
err where were we? hmm (lol i should just note, it's a blog in a blog, both blogs being completely seperate topics).
Oh yes anime :D
Yeah Lust kicks ashhole.

2# Kallen (from Code Geass: Lelouch of Rebellion, and Code Geass: V2)

At school, she is a small fragile girl, who is nice and sincere and sticks to her own affairs. Outside of school she is a major part of the rebellion against brittania, Strong, Angry and bloodthirsty!!!
She fights in an awesome Knightmare that uses radiation to make other Knightmares swell up like bags of popcorn in the microwave!
Constantly switching back and forth between personalities when both lifes may clash, she seems to be one of the only supporting characters in Code Geass to have a 2 Dimensional character. She is basically a lot like Lelouch, in the way he embodies 2 persona's. And the fact Him and her both go to school together, he is the leader of the Brittania Rebellion she's a part of (Order of the Black Knights) and she doesn't even know it!
She was a force to be dealt with at the begining, and remains to be for the rest of the show.

Anywayz :)
I knowwwwwwwwwww i havn't done a proper blog (serious or not serious) for a while now, and well, i'll try get around to it.
anyway, i hope that inspires you all to watch some animes you havn't seen before.


Bilby P. Dalgyte said...

I think that's a pretty awesome list. If I were to make a list it'd be pretty similar.

Did you ever end up seeing the rest of FMA or did those episodes I gave you never work?

Corn on the Cobb said...

yeah i got them reburnt. and they were good. the movie was brilliant, and it was historically detailed and historically correct. there was the thule society, they existed, and Rudolph Hess existed and was involved with the Thule Society at that time, and besides the whole rockets (i think) and shamballa thing., oh and edward and alphonse being there part, it was basically historically correct.
and i love how they also included that it wasn't just the jews who were hated around then, it was all minority groups such as the gypsies.

anyway, i got them on my computer, and i can give you the reburnt disc, considering i wont be needing it and you would be if you wish to watch them on disc. i'll have it all for you by tuesday when where back at school.

that reminds me, can i borrow cowboy bebop? i have to see it since i heard they were making a movie adaption of it (bad thing is keanu reeves is in it).

the thing that should not be said...

a somewhat short list mr cobb. expand and make it bigger next time. my list would be: male: alucard, sasori, L, light, ulquiorra ceifer, vegeta, and ryuk. female: lucy, mariko, theresa and clair, toph, misa, and priscilla.

Corn on the Cobb said...

i bet it would be mr joshette heanington (i didnt say your name as such xD)