Tuesday, July 14, 2009

#20! and a painting update.

rightio, because I enthrall you all so much with my speedy progress on themostseconds, I will now inform you that I am indeed NUMBER 20!! woot.

2, 699, 508 and counting. that is over 31 days.

like to see you catch up now bilby! :P

*evil laugh*

ohhh right, painting update:

tis a dodgy angle, and weird lighting. Gotta fix up a few areas, finish the newspaper bit.

it looks better in different lighting.

2, 700, 411 and counting.


Bilby P. Dalgyte said...

I finally get to see one of your paintings since... a long time :P

And yes, I am truly enthralled. Enthralled beyond belief that YOU HAVE NO LIFE! Agh! I've fallen so far behind :( Curse you and your inevitable victory against dynabunny...

the thing that should not be said...

wow. good painting.

sam-ham said...

thanks :)

and hehehe NUMBER 19 NOW!! EHEHEHEH! slowly begins my plan to TAKE OVER TEH WORLD! mwahahaha