Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I Come Tonight To Bring You...

Why hello boys and girls, ladies and gentleman.

I would like to introduce you to this extravagent event, yes. One to behold in your memories until the day you die yes sir-y.

And now, fine people of the audience i bring you...

Shit all really...

How is everyone?

Me? Well i feel like crap. Ill and all those shitty problems in life. yeah...

Oh well how about some creative writing then?

And so on came the time of Joshua Von Heaniwinkle, as he slew the dragon Davidanius Coxlickerartius.
On his journey home the head he held came alive and gave him fellatio.

Urgh sorry everyone, my juices aren't working today.
I knoooowww it was dissapointing, maybe oneday i can retell that fine story of the fine knight ;)

narh its a shit idea i wont.

Ummmmm,,,, now.

I'm going to a fancy restuarant later. oooh yummy.



Bilby P. Dalgyte said...

What was the point of this?

Corn on the Cobb said...

there was none.
I needed to amuse myself

Rayne said...

there are other ways to amuse yourself.
ask bilby for tips.
its all he does when he is feeling alone :)
bilby,dont be mean to cobb, not everything has a point. otherwise i would have no posts on my blog :P

Corn on the Cobb said...

yeah bilby,
afterall, is'nt this supposed to be ASSORTED RAMBLINGS OF CORNFLAKES?

OOOOH BILBY, why call it cornflakes? >.<
none of us are cornflakes, why call us cornflakes?? are we not human to you?
what is the point of this cornflake comment?

see bilby :P, your an oxymoron to your own blog :P

Corn on the Cobb said...

oh whats that bilby your comemnt just got deleted?
you never explained to me cornflake bilby :)

no, that matter was more a funny story. I find walking into poles quite funny, i thought others might.
delete it then bilby, if you must,
just dont diss the eat dick and prosper.
I am simply telling one to consume the male genitalia before going to reproduce offspring with those of the opposite sex, through both genitals rubbing and exchanging bodily fluids inside of the female sex's body. For which for her to then carry the offspring and nourish it. Then to continue this until you have prospered to the highest extent.