Friday, June 26, 2009

woes of a 21st C human being with no internet connection

the title above speaks for itself, and this probably relates to the general teen population (although i doubt some of them know it).
It has been 2 weeks since not having the internet at home and i have resolved to coming to the library to type this. damn restrictions *eyes narrow*.

2 weeks in the hole and more to come.

can you survive without the internet? i'm sure you can, but the utter boredom of not knowing whats going on out there is a little too much. OMG NO MSN. lol
If it were the olden days i'm sure we would all start knitting and making food to eat. cannibal! ftw?! meh.

on other blah notes: RIP @ Michael Jackson & Farrah Fawcett

another note: apparently Jeff Goldblum has not passed and his death is a hoax. ....if you dunno who he is....then look him up.

.........HOLIDAYS SOON...........



Bilby P. Dalgyte said...

I don't think I CAN live without the internet. It's now part of my bodily functions and I cannot digest food unless I have gone on the internet and checked my emails or blog comments (both of which I rarely ever seem to get any...)

I remember when messenger stopped working on my computer... ugh that was nonstop suckyness for ages! And then finally I discovered webmessenger and I was so happy because I could finally get to talk to people! Yay!... now it's stopped working most of the time! AGGGHHHH!!! I hate everything rar.

Good luck surviving without the internet.

the thing that should not be said...

yea, i know who jeff golblum is :P