You're so immature. All of you. I know what went through your mind when you read that title.
Well doodles are drawings people. No, not the drawings of doodles on chairs you find everywhere at school (you know when we evolve something else we will learn to draw that instead so if you're sick and tired of them just wait a few million years.) I have drawn quite a few (INNOCENT DRAWINGS. Mein Gott you guys are immature) in my textbooks over the past year and seeing as I no longer need the books themselves I've decided to preserve my favourite doodles....
OK I'm going to call them sketches now. They're not proper sketchy because I feel sketches need a certain amount of quality or style to them so they're more doodle like but no. No I must remember my audience and call them sketches. I have repressed NOTHING!
Here are some sketches. Be amused by them! (or don't. You know... free will and all...) Excuse my handwriting.
Oh that Mark. Haha.
I've always hated him too. Glad someone else out there did too.
Oddly enough no one believes me that this sort of thing really happens. COME ON PEOPLE! They're lying to you! They just want you to think monkies don't come from eggs.
Traumatic childhood...
Extra exclamation marks also messes with counting techniques and certain probability problems... not that you need to know that what with exams being over and all.
Don't try this. The eggs will explode. I know this because I've done it... twice... I'm a slow learner.
My long lost brother. He had serious anger issues. Once, he beat a nun to death because a penguin bit him at the zoo.
He is a very confused man.
F***ing hand puppets.
WHAT ARE THEY!? I'm scared :'(
And thus is the end of my doodles. We all knew it had to come eventually, some of us wish there was more but I'm sure you're all satisfied with what I have shown you today :)
ALRIGHT fellow cornflakes. dont read this spot often anymore do you? tsk tsk, dont kill something worth having be greatful you have a blog spot. SO VISIT IT.
Alright, this is a warning to all the Holy Roley's on this blog site: The Following Blog Contains Your Lord And Savior Jesus Christ, and your Big Guy on A Cloud, God (aka. Josh Heaney Baby!).
Oooh, so here I am enjoying a meal with the family, when all of a sudden on the television this add starts playing. Some interesting imagery, and so forth, at the begining saying "Thanks Jesus for Sunlight, but why do we get sun burnt?", and the add goes on "More friends but less friendships", ect, ect. until at the very end "JESUS HAS THE ANSWERS"..... A Television Advertisement for the Catholic Church.... On at a big ratings program (Celebrity MasterChef), of which many young children will be watching.
Not just that, but the following add break, there is another add, a message from the catholic arch bishop Barry Hickey. His message on the unity of people is all nice and well, and i respected what he had to say until he said "WE CAN ONLY FIND THIS UNITY IN ONE WAY, AND THAT IS ALL THROUGH OUR FAITH IN GOD" (or something like that.) All respect gone out the window.. Now really, this is not one of my religious bashing rants.
okay i cannot find that one in particular but i'm sure if you've been watching channel 10 around 6 or 7 then you would have seen it.
Anyway, trying to find the advertisement this guy appears in is hard, but i found one i havnt seen that has apparently been playing lots on Saturday mornings during childrens cartoons, announced by the same man, ArchBishop Barry Hickey.
Once again the church does something that is completely and horrificly wrong. So many people will be watching and seeing this, so many. And this is advertisement. promising "all the answers, a perfect world" fuck its like some weird controlled order, like in some science fiction film or book.
Now look at what advertisement does. It subconsciously installs messages and brand affiliations into the brain. So, an add affiliating some the nice and bad things in life, along with a man who addresses god as the solution to many of Australia's problems... what they are trying to sell being beliefs, way of life and faith... this is horrible. It's not too far off of brainwashing either. This is being subconsciously installed into so many viewers brains, even more so some of the younger children who wont know any better. Yeah sure, people deserve that freedom in belief. You can believe in God, i won't love you for it but its your choice. But then these adds just contradicts this very right people have, by rubbing there ideals on you through something that influences you greatly, is a big part of our culture and is in every household, not to mention being on at the time of one of the highest rating programs. I can tell people to "turn off there televisions", but that wont do a bit of difference, people will still watch.
Hungry Beast did a segment on there show on this very advertising campaign. From what was said, the catholic churches of australia have paid one million dollars to advertise Jesus to gain an even greater following. They have had this new "Jesus" logo, on billboards, a racing car, Sky writing planes, television advertising, along with many other things. After announcing this they did show a very funny parody of the add, titled "Jesus has Issues", and brought up some of the facts of what the church really do. I will provide a link to the video.
Anyway, i am well aware of some of your choices in faith, but you have your morals and if you had any respect for other people finding there own beliefs without television demanding them to become a part of yours, then you will sign this petition.
Unfortunatly there are no petitions existing at this time, but when i come across one i will post it up here.
feel free to discuss this matter at the bottom. I am curious about some of your feedback.
why is it that when your house is possessed by a demon, a demon that supposedly cannot be reasoned with and want to bring you pain. why is it that all this invisible supernatural demon spirit does, is stomp around on your stairs, slam doors, poke the roof making banging noises and occasionally rustle your sheets? i dont get it. it's more like being an epic pain in the ass. honestly "HARHAR I WAKE UP THE PEOPLE IN THE ROOM ABOVE BY BANGING THIS BROOM ON THE ROOF GROAWR!!" STOMPING UP THE STAIRSSSSS STOMPING UP THE STAIRSSSSS YOU CANT SLEEP COZ IM STOMPING UP THE STAIRSSSSS
If these paranormal activities do happen i wont jump to these fundamental religious conclusions. ITS A DEMON!!!! LUCIFER WANTS TO CAUSE ME PAIN AND DEATH!!! no he doesn't he just doesn't want you to get any sleep so you don't take notice to when he shits in your coffee.
Well watching Paranormal Activity, one of those POV camera movies (Blair witch project, Cloverfield, REC, ect.), based on the conventional things that happen when you have a paranormal experience in your household, i just couldn't help but just say its not a demon, like so many people like to conclude. Maybe something mischevious (i wont say poltergiest, because then what is a poltergiest? a spirit. yeah do spirits exist?) or the forces that be just are fed up with your bullshit .