Sunday, February 22, 2009

The World is Insane

The world is insane. All of you. And I can prove it.

Now you see anyone can argue that they are perfectly sane and you can also argue that insane people think that they're sane. But then if you think you're insane you must be sane. So therefore insanity is from a different point of view. That is flawed (how do you know the person defining sanity is sane? They think they're sane but like I said, that's a symptom of insanity) and not my arguement at all.

Now it all depends on how you define insanity. Now if you define it as something that is beyond normal to the extremes then congratulations! We've got the basis for my arguement. (No I'm not saying that if you like getting weird looks is the reason why you're insane.) OK you see what is "normal" is a subjective concept and is constantly changing so it's hard to define at any given point in time. Because this is so unreliable as somewhere to stand or put as a base for an arguement we have to find some given definites. What is definite about everything in the world? What do we all share as a complete and total definite throughout all of time? The core scientific principles about biology that's what. We may evolve and change as the millenia progress and the very earth itself terraforms into an alien landscape but there will always be the basic principles of life: Eat, Drink, Mate. This is all animals do. We survive. Now, because we've determined that the bare necessities of survival are the only universally normal traits amongst humans (let alone any other animal) we can then argue that any action outside of these parameters are not normal at all. Some of our actions lead to our survival but are ultimately superficial. OK for example: You drive around a car. Sure it gets you places (even to get food) but if you tried hunting in it then you'd scare away your prey. And the only reason why you don't hunt in a car is because someone else has made a farm far far away from you that grows a bunch of food... far away from you. You think a car is convenience when really it's only convenient because you made something more complicated. Plus, cars kill people and destroy the environment and therefore are detrimental to the species. Survival has paradoxically been hindered and helped by this invention. Now let's move onto something else. Language. It's nice, we get to talk to each other in such an infinitely complex manner with almost endless words that none of us will ever completely know or understand and just ignore spelling completely. When you think about it... we don't need it to survive. All it does is give us fun or give us pain. People can live in complete silence and don't need communication to survive and therefore as a species it's a completely abnormal trait.

So building cities, driving cars and even talking or coming up with multiple philosophies are completely abnormal ideas which have no real benefit to an animal. The very fact that I can explain this to you or the fact that you understand it is complete madness. Therefore the world is completely and utterly insane because we've turned hunting and gathering into fine art, skyscrapers and quantum physics.

Of course that's from a completely non-religious point of view as to why the entire world is insane. (So being scientific and saying that religion is insane is not really any improvement at all.) So therefore the only sane course of action is to become religious because at least then from your point of view you can argue that you're completely (with a few exceptions) sane. Unless of course you're a scientologist in which case you're the crazy of the crazy. Now it get's a bit more dificult to argue from a religious point of view that everyone is crazy but it's very very easy to argue that everyone besides you is crazy. Which... is unfortunately how terrorists can do what they do. But like I said... they're completely bonkers so we don't care about their false reasons just the fact that they're making a lot of mess.

OK I argued that we're all crazy on the arguement that anything completely out of the norm is madness. Now let's see if I can try to argue that we're all crazy on the arguement that the majority of thought is sanity instead. (The "normal" way to define insanity) It's quite simple. Now replace the idea of what's fundamentally normal as a species with what you consider fundamentally normal in a culture or society. Now go to a country on the other side of the world and compare the two. Cultures will vary wildly and vastly amongst continents let alone the entire world so it's quite hard to find what is the majority of thinking on a worldwide scale. There isn't a majority at all because no culture encompasses over %50 of the population and even the largest populated countries in the world have a massive amount of subcultures and different ideas within itself. Let's leave that alone for a bit and go to Germany 1939 for example. (GODWIN'S LAW!) OK if you're a nazi and you see someone beating up a Jew this seems like a perfectly acceptable idea to you because that's the majority of what the country (that isn't in prison) thinks is right. Now if you're a Jew/non-german/someone from today then you'd think this was completely unnaceptable and fail to comprehend how they could think that a Jew is not even human. We think that they're intolerant and uneducated but they thought the same thing about previous cultures. So we're back to the fact that nothing is constant in society. One day our beliefs as to what is right or even socially acceptable will one day become outdated, then archaic. You cannot say that you're right because you know that you will inevitably be proven wrong. Scientific theories seemed incredibly sound but have been disproven by something that was in turn disproven itself. The only difference is one day we will reach a point where we have proven everything we can whereas society will never find somewhere to stop. So there is no one single line of thought or general idea of thinking that you can rely upon to put as a basis for sanity and so comparing you to someone from 50 or 100 or 1000 years ago/from now you are as insane to them as they are to you. Insanity is a relative concept and relatively speaking we're all one fry short of a happy meal.

Goob goob ba dooba woop.

I hope you've enjoyed me explaining to you why we're ALL (including me) completely insane. Thankfully some are just more insane than others. Now let's all go drool over some of those things we call bricks that have been made by the magic of fire. Then we can all put lampshades on our heads and throw pens at people in the street.

P.S. Of course if you just try to argue that insanity is merely a dysfunction in the brains ability to process due to a chemical inbalance or misfiring neurons that make you see things that aren't there then you can argue that the world is indeed quite sane. But then some psychological disorders would have to be excluded from the category of insanity.

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